L`Influence Religieuse sur le Droit Constitutionnel de l`Iran.  
  Thèse pour obtenir le grade de docteur. Présentée et soutenue le Mardi 2 Avril 1957 par Manoutchehr Khodayar Mohebbi.  

Author Mohebbi, Manoutchehr Khodayar
Place of Publication Teheran
Publication Name Universite de Paris, Faculte des Lettres[Imprimerie Taban]
Year 1957 [1958]
Language(s) French
RARE thesis on the religious influence on constitutional law of Iran, submitted for doctoral degree at the University of Paris about twenty years before the Islamic revolution in Iran. Contains a b&w plate. 220x150mm. 192 pages. Softcover. Cover and spine browning and wrinkled. Spine edges slightly worn. Spine upper edge bumped. Pages slightly yellowing. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare monograph on Islamic influence on jurisdiction in pre-revolutionary Iran, of interest to scholars of Islamic and constitutional law, is in good condition.
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Price $35.00
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Catalog Index Number AR 802 011

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