Does God Believe in Human Rights? Essays on Religion and Human Rights.  
  [SERIES]: Studies in Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights [SRSB] - Volume 5..  

Author Ghanea, Nazila; Stephens, Alan; Walden, Raphael [Eds.] / Harries, Richard; Ruston, Roger; Ipgrave, Michael; Rehman, Javaid; et al.
Place of Publication Leiden / Boston
Publication Name Brill / Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
Year 2007
Language(s) English
RARE collection of studies on the relationship between human rights and religion by Richard Harries, Roger Ruston, Michael Ipgrave, Javaid Rehman, Norman Solomon, Avrom Sherr, Melanie Phillips, John Barnabas Leith, Paul Weller, Dennis de Jong, Conor Gearty, Nazila Ghanea, Peter Cumper and Frederik Harhoff. Introduction is by Malcolm Evans. 245x165mm. XXII+272 pages. Hardcover. Still sealed in plastic and unused, this book is in as new condition!
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  • This book may take up to two business days to be retrieved from storage.
Price $50.00
(Price does not include shipping costs!)
Catalog Index Number AR 1008 015

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