The Makings of the Medieval Hebrew Book - Studies in Palaeography and Codicology [Paleography]  

Author Beit-Arié, Malachi
Place of Publication Jerusalem
Publication Name The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University
Year 1993
Language(s) English
RARE book of updated studies on the handwritten Hebrew books of the Middle Ages and the transition from manuscript to print, offering new methodology of qualitative codicology in Hebrew palaeography. The book is in four parts: 1) Methodology, 2) Medieval Scribes: Personal MAnifestations and Common Practices, 3) Codicological Description and Palaeographical Analysis and Identification of Selected Manuscripts, 4) The Beginning of Printing and Scribal Tradition. Contains numerous b&w plates with medieval Hebrew manuscripts, list of sources and indices of subjects and manuscripts. 280x225mm. 283 pages. Illustrated Hardcover. Cover edges and spine edges slightly bumped. This out-of-print book by the father of Hebrew codicology is in very good condition.
No longer available
Catalog Index Number MS 30 84

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