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M. T. C. Epistolarum Familiarum. Libri quatuorpriores [quatuor priores] [Marcus Tullius Cicero] [BILINGUAL LATIN & GERMAN EDITION].
Germanice redditi in usum scholasticae iuuentutis per M. Stephanum Riccium.


Marcus Tullius Cicero / Riccius, Stephanus [Reich, Stephan] [Tr.]
Place of Publication
[Gorlicii, Gorlicia, Calancorum civ., Gorlicium, Gorlitium, Gorlizium / Görlitz]
Publication Name
[Fritsch / Apelius]
Latin German
RARE BILINGUAL LATIN & GERMAN EDITION of Cicero`s letters, with translation by the noted 16th-century philologist Stephan Reich. Cicero`s letters to and from various public and private figures are considered some of the most reliable sources of information for the people and events surrounding the fall of the Roman Republic. Among the recipients of the letters were such illustrious figures as Caesar, Pompey, Octavian, and Cicero`s son Marcus Tullius Cicero Minor. 150x95mm. 409 double pages. Rebound vellum Hardcover. Cover and spine stained and wrinkled. Front cover detached. Spine partly detached from binding. Front cover corners and spine hinges worn. Original title-page pasted on front whitepage. First Title-and dedication pages coming loose from binding. Small hole on first dedication page bottom corner near binding - NO damage to text. Small hole on last page upper corner with damage to only one letter of the text. Pages yellowing, age-stained and wavy. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare 16th-century bilingual Latin-German edition of Cicero`s letters is otherwise in good condition.
Please note
- This book's cover is very worn, loose or missing. If you'd like, we can send this book to be rebound for an extra charge.
- Photographs of this book are available on demand.
(Price does not include shipping costs!)
Catalog Index Number
MC 05 03
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