Les mensonges conventionnels de notre civilisation [SIGNED BY MAX NORDAU].  
  Bibliotheque de philosophie contemporaine / Nouvelle edition revue - Traduit sur la treizieme edition allemande.  

Author Nordau, Max / Dietrich, Auguste [Tr.]
Place of Publication Paris
Publication Name Felix Alcan
Year 1897
Language(s) French
SIGNED BY MAX SIMON NORDAU (1849-1923), the renowned Zionist leader, physician, author, social critic, co-founder with Theodor Herzl of the Zionist Organization in Basel, and president of several Zionist congresses. This book is a rare French translation of his social and philosophical critique written in German in 1883 - Die conventionellen Lügen der Kulturmenschheit [The Conventional Lies of Our Civilization], in which he shows what he believes to be the essential falsity of some of the social, ethical and religious standards of modern civilization. Nordau`s dedication is written in French and dated 1896, Paris. 230x150 mm. X+354 pages. Quarter-cloth marbled Hardcover with gilt spine [Contains original front and rear softcover]. Cover slightly rubbed. Cover and spine edges slightly worn. Small Ex-Libris on front inner cover. Pages yellowing. [SUMMARY]: This rare French edition of Max Nordau`s critique, signed by author, is in good condition.
Price $375.00
(Price does not include shipping costs!)
Catalog Index Number MC 04 20

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