Nuovo Dizionario: Italiano-Francese, Composto Su I Dizionarj Dell`Accademia Francese, e Della Crisca ed Arricchito di Tutti I Termini Proprj Delle Scienze, e Delle Arti. Opera Utile, Anzi Necessaria a Tutti Coloro Che Vogliono Tradurre, O Leggere con Profitto, I Libri Scritti Nell`una, e Nell`altra Lingua. [VOL. 2 ONLY]  

Author De Alberti di Villanuova, Francesco
Place of Publication Marsiglia (Marseille)
Publication Name I Fratelli Mossy
Year 1796
Language(s) French Italian
VOL. 2 ONLY. 20.5X26 cm. XIV+920 pages. Gilt Hardcover. Front cover is a bit torn at it`s right bottom side, worn out, yellowed and faded. Spine is faded. Back cover is yellowed, worn out and torn at the bottom-left side. Pages are a bit yellowed and a bit stained with water marks. No damage to the text. Else, proper condition. Price is determined according to the book`s condition.
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Price $180.00
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Catalog Index Number AR 2169 008

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