La Comunita Israelitica - Annual 5, No. 3, March 1937-XV - Pesach 5697  
  Organo della Comunita Israelitica di Roma  

Place of Publication Roma
Publication Name Organo della Comunita Israelitica di Roma
Year 1937
Language(s) Italian
170X245 mm. 48 pages. Softcover. Cover is very worn and browning and stained. Pen markings on cover. Spine is worn and torn. Covers are slightly detached from spine. Pages yellowing. In fair/low condition.
Please note
  • This book may take up to two business days to be retrieved from storage.
  • Photographs of this book are available on demand.
Price $20.00
(Price does not include Shipping Costs!)
Catalog Index Number V 1052 115

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