Voorafgegaan van eene spraakkunstige handleiding en eene lijst van woorden, wier stamwoorden den beginner niet wel bekend zijn; en gevolgd van een dubbel Register der Eigennamen... door M. Lemans en S. I. Mulder.
Lemans, M. [Moses] ; Mulder, S. I. [Samuel Israel]
Place of Publication
Publication Name
Van Embden & Co. / P. den Hengst en Zoon
Hebrew Dutch
RARE early 19th century Hebrew-Dutch dictionary compiled by Moses Lemans, who also translated the Jewish prayer books into Dutch, and Samuel Israel Mulder, who crafted a new Dutch translation of the Old Testament. The dictionary includes data on Hebrew morphology and phonology, and a register of names. 235x150mm. XXIII+706 pages [+2]. Black quarter-cloth Hardcover with gilt lettering and decoration on spine. Cover and spine bottom edge slightly bumped. Ex-libris sticker on whitepage. Pages yellowing and slightly wavy. [SUMMARY]: This rare old Hebrew-Dutch dictionary is in good condition.
Please note
This book may take up to two business days to be retrieved from storage.