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Now showing books #21 to 40 (of 996) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Architectural Detailing
Hornbostel, Cabel; Bennet, Elmer A. 1952 Reinhold $140.00 More Details
Vainer, Nelson 1954 Organização Sionista Unificada do Brasil $330.00 More Details
Picasso, Pablo 1959 Harry N. Abrams $310.00 More Details
Points de Suspension [SIGNED]
Derrida, Jacques / Weber, Elizabeth [Ed.] 1992 Galilée $190.00 More Details
Anakreons Auserlesene Oden, und die Zwey Noch Übrigen Oden der Sappho [FIRST EDITION]
Sappho / Ramler, Karl Wilhelm [Tr., Notes] 1801 Joh.Dan. Sander $120.00 More Details
The Holy Bible / Hamisha Humshei Torah (Pentateuch) [Va`ad Hatzala 1947]
1947 Vaad Hatzala $330.00 More Details
Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne [1st Deluxe Edition, 1st Printing]
Milne, A.A. 1926 Methuen $1,850.00 More Details
Durch Welt und Zeit
Siegfried Abeles / Friedek, Henny [Ill.] 1930 Josef Belf Verlag $200.00 More Details
  Und Das Krumme wird Gerade [SECOND GERMAN EDITION]
Agnon, S.J. / Strauss, Max [Tr.] 1920 Jüdischer Verlag $250.00 More Details
  The Sabbatian Movement and Its Aftermath: Messianism, Sabbatianism and Frankism - Volume Two [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW].
Elior, Rachel [Ed.] 2001 The Institute of Jewish Studies / The Hebrew University / The Gershom Scholem Center for the Study of Jewish Mysticism and Kabbala $95.00 More Details
Jewish Family Cook Book [Dos Familien Koch-Buch] [ENGLISH AND YIDDISH]
Braun, H. 1928 Hibru Poblishing Kompani [Hebrew Publishing Company] $250.00 More Details
Naissance d`une Capitale
Dagron, Gilbert / Lemerle, Paul [pref.] 1974 Bibliotheque Byzanties - Presses Universitaires de France $190.00 More Details
Hommage à Werkman [Hendrik Nicolaas Werkman]
Werkman, Hendrik Nicolaas [Posth.] / Henkels, F.R.A / Martin, Kurt / Grieshaber, HAP / et al 1957 / 1958 Fritz Eggert $490.00 More Details
123 123 123 $123.00 More Details
Studies in Islamic Law and Society: The Reinstatement of Islamic Law in Sudan under Numayri [SIGNED AND DEDICATED]
Layish, Aharon / Warburg, Gabriel R. 2002 Brill $220.00 More Details
Nordau, Max 1885 B. Elischer Nachfolger $550.00 More Details
Selecta: Jubilé Scientifique de Élie Cartan
Cartan, Élie 1939 Gauthier-Villars / Libraire du Bureau des Longitudes $110.00 More Details
Morpurgo, Abraham Chai. 1971 Shmuel Mor $520.00 More Details
Straty Wojenne: Malarstwo Obce [Wartime Losses: Foreign Paintings] [VOL. 1 ONLY]
Zadrozna, Maria Romanowska / Zadrozny, Tadeusz 2000 Ministerstwo Kultury I Sztuki $200.00 More Details
  L`Album d`Auschwitz [FACSIMILE]
Klarsfeld, Serge [Ed.] ND [1980] The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation $180.00 More Details

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