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Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Multi Dictionary: Bilingual Learners Dictionary: Hebrew-Hebrew-English: English-Hebrew
Weinbach, Liora ; Lauden, Edna ; Shani, Miriam 2003 AD $20.31 More Details
    Stirring Times or: Records From Jerusalem Consular Chronicles of 1853 to 1856 [TWO VOLUMES SET] [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: Library of the History of the Yishuv in Eretz-Israel.
Finn, James / Amir, Aharon 1980 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $29.69 More Details
    Israelis in Their Own Way: Migration Stories of Young Adults From Former U.S.S.R [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: The Eshkolot Library.
Lomsky-Feder, Enda ; Rapoport, Tamar 2012 The Hebrew University, Magnes Press $17.19 More Details
    Gonzalo de Berceo: Obra Completa
[SERIES]: Clasicos Castellanos Nueva Serie.
de Berceo, Gonzalo / Uria, Isabel [EDITOR] Espasa-Calpe $45.00 More Details
    Myslenie po Zagladzie Glosy z Polski (Thinking After The Holocaust: Voices From Poland) [IN POLISH, ENGLISH AND HEBREW]
Rejak, Sebastian [EDIT] / Golebiowska, Elzbieta ; Lloyd-Jones, Antonia [ENGLISH TRANSLATION] 2008 Muza $20.31 More Details
    Deuteronomy: Volume Two: XVI:18 - XXXIV:12 [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: Mikra LeYisra`el: A Bible Commentary for Israel.
Tigay, Jeffrey H. [INTRODUCTION, COMMENTARY] 2016 Am Oved / The Hebrew University Magnes Press $26.56 More Details
    Der Stern der Erlosung [THREE VOLUMES BOUND AS ONE. Vol. 1: Die Elemente oder Die Immerwahrende Vorwelt. Vol. 2: Die Bahn oder Die Allzeiterneuerte Welt. Vol. 3: Die Gestalt oder Die Ewige Uberwelt.]
Rosenzweig, Franz 1930 J. Kauffmann $180.00 More Details
    Jewish Catalonia
Assis, Yom Tov [TEXT] / Mariona Companys [EDIT] Ambit $55.00 More Details
    Studies in the History of Popular Culture [IN HEBREW]
Kedar, Benjamin Z. [EDIT] 1996 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History $26.56 More Details
    Don Quijote de La Mancha: Edition de la Instituto Cervantes [TWO VOLUMES SET IN A CARTON BOX INCLUDING A CD]
[SERIES]: Biblioteca Clasica.
de Cervantes, Miguel 1998 Critica $45.00 More Details
    A Land in the Balance: The Struggle for Palestine: 1918-1948
Dothan, Shmuel / Green, Jeffrey M. [TRANSLATION] 1993 MOD books $35.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Entre Trois Identites Dans La Tunisie Coloniale: Elie Cohen-Hadria [IN HEBREW]
Carmi, Janine 2009 Institute Ben-Zvi $14.06 More Details
    Dani Karavan: Passages: Homage to Walter Benjamin [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Karavan, Dani / Prof. Omer, Mordechai [CURATOR] 1997 Tel-Aviv Museum of Art $20.31 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    The Word: The Dictionary that Reveals The Hebrew Source of English
Mozeson, Isaac E. 1989 Shapolsky Publishers $45.00 More Details
    Melech Grafstein`s Sholom Aleichem Panorama
Sholom Aleichem / Grafstein, Max W. [EDIT] 1948 The Jewish Observer $45.00 More Details
    The Jewish Film in Poland 1910-1950 [in HEBREW}
Studies of the Center for Research on the History and Culture of Polish Jews, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Gross, Natan 1990 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $15.00 More Details
    The Beloved Friend-and-a-Half: Studies in Sepharadic Folk-Literature [IN HEBREW] [SIGNED]
Alexander-Frizer, Tamar 1999 The Hebrew University, Magnes Press / Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press $56.25 More Details
    A History of Classical Greece [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: History of the Classical World.
Amit, Moshe 2002 The Hebrew University, Magnes Press $29.69 More Details
    A History of The Roman Republic [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: History of the Classical World.
Shatzman, Israel 2001 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $37.50 More Details
    Precious Stones of the Jews of Curcao: Curcaon Jewry: 1656-1957
Emmanuel, Isaac S. 1957 Bloch $650.00 More Details
    Assyria, Babylonia and Judah : Studies in the History of the Ancient Near East [in Hebrew]
Tadmor, Hayim 2007 Bialik Institute / Israel Exploration Society $20.31 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Der Pentateuch [FIVE VOLUMES SET. Vol. 1: Die Genesis. Vol. 2: Exodus. Vol. 3: Leviticus. Vol. 4: Numeri. Vol. 5: Deutronomium.] [IN HEBREW AND GERMAN]
Hirsch, Samson Raphael 1899 J. Kaufmann $180.00 More Details
    Hashmonaean Judaea in the Hellenistic World: Chapters in Political History [IN HEBREW]
Stern, Menahem / Schwartz, Daniel R. [EDIT] 1995 The Zalman Shazar Center For Jewish History $26.56 More Details
    Le Systeme Verbal Semitique et L`expression du Temps
[SERIES]: Publications de l`École des langues orientales vivantes.
Cohen, Marcel 1824 Ernest Leroux $65.00 More Details
    Hashmonaean Judaea in the Hellenistic World: Chapters in Political History [IN HEBREW]
Stern, Menahem / Schwartz, Daniel R. [EDIT] 1995 The Zalman Shazar Center For Jewish History $29.69 More Details
    Flora Palaestina: Part One: Text: Esquisetaceae to Moringaceae [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
[SERIES]: Publications of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Section of Sciences.
Zohary, Michael 1966 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $37.50 More Details
    Studies in Biblical Narrtive: Style, Structure, and Ancient Near Eastern Literary Background [SIGNED]
Avishur, Yitzhak 1999 Archaeological Center Publication $35.00 More Details
    Between Education and Psychology [IN HEBREW]
Nisan, Mordecai ; Last, Uriel [EDIT] 1983 The School of Education of The Hebrew University and The Ministry of Education and Culture / The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $23.44 More Details
    Records of the Trials of the Spanish Inquisition in Ciudad Real [FOUR VOLUMES SET. Vol. 1: 1483-1485. Vol. 2: The Trials of 1494-1512 in Toledo. Vol. 3: The Trials of 1512-1527 in Toledo. Vol. 4: Documents, Biographical Notes, Indexes.] [IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH]
[SERIES]: Publication of The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Section of Humanities / Fontes Ad Res Judaicas Spectantes.
Beinart, Haim [EDIT, INTRODUCTION, NOTES] 1985 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $120.00 More Details
    The Second Book of Maccabees: Introduction, Hebrew, Translation and Commentary [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: Between Bible and Mishnah.
Schwartz, Daniel R. 2004 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $56.25 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Nuovo Dizionario: Italiano-Francese, Composto Su I Dizionarj Dell`Accademia Francese, e Della Crisca ed Arricchito di Tutti I Termini Proprj Delle Scienze, e Delle Arti. Opera Utile, Anzi Necessaria a Tutti Coloro Che Vogliono Tradurre, O Leggere con Profitto, I Libri Scritti Nell`una, e Nell`altra Lingua. [VOL. 2 ONLY]
De Alberti di Villanuova, Francesco 1796 I Fratelli Mossy $180.00 More Details
    Mishkan T`Filah: A Reform Siddur: Weekdays, Shabbat, Festivals and Other Occasions of Public Worship [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
  2007 Central Conference of American Rabbis $45.00 More Details
    Yuval: Studies of the Jewish Music Research Centre [IN HEBREW, FRENCH AND ENGLISH]
Adler, Israel [EDIT] 1968 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $29.69 More Details
    Palestine in the Late Ottoman Period: Political, Social and Economic Transformation
Kushner, David [EDIT] 1986 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $55.00 More Details
    The Evolution of the Exodus Tradition
[SERIES]: Publication of the Perry Foundation for Biblical Research in The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Loewenstamm, Samuel E. / Schwartz, Baruch J. [TRANSLATION] 1992 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $180.00 More Details
    Nouveau Dictionnaire Francois-Italien, Compose Sur Les Dictionnaires Des Academies de France et de La Crusca: Enrichi: de Tout Les Termes Propres des Sciences et des Arts: Tres-utile et Meme Indispensible a Tous Ceux Qui Veulent Lire, Ou Traduire Les Ouvrages de L`une et de L`autre Langue.
D`Alberti de Villeneuve, Francois 1796 Mossy Freres $180.00 More Details
    Between Worlds: The Painting and Drawing of Samuel Back: From 1946 to 2001
Bak, Samuel / Tayler, Irene [EDIT] 2002 Pucker Art Publications $120.00 More Details
    Mishkan T`Filah: A Reform Siddur: Services for Shabbat [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW]
  2007 Central Conference of American Rabbis $35.00 More Details
    Mishkan T`Filah: A Reform Siddur: Weekdays, Shabbat, Festivals and Other Occasions of Public Worship [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
  2007 Central Conference of American Rabbis $25.00 More Details
    Eretz Zafon: Studies in Galilean Archaeology [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Gal, Zvi [EDIT] 2002 Israel Antiquities Authority $37.50 More Details
    Jerusalem in the 19th Century: The Old City
Ben-Arieh, Yehoshua 1984 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $30.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    The Apostle: A Novel Based on the Life of St. Paul [SIGNED]
Asch, Sholem / Samuel, Maurice [TRANSLATION] 1943 G. P. Putnam`s Sons $45.00 More Details
    A Townhouse in Jerusalem
Larkey, Arieh 1996 Gefen Publishing House $180.00 More Details
    Le Glossaire de Leipzig: Introduction [VOL. 2 ONLY]
[SERIES]: Publication de L`academie Nationale des Sciences et des Lettres D`Israel: Section des Lettres: Corpus glossariorum biblicorum Hebraico-Gallicorum medii aevi.
Banitt, Menahem [EDIT, ANNOTATION] 2005 Academie Nationale des Sciences et des Lettres D`Israel $45.00 More Details
    Gestern und Heute: Juden im Labdkreis Hannover
Homeyer, Friedel 1984 Herausgegeben vom Landkreis Hannover $65.00 More Details
    Israel et Ses Paradoxes: Idees Recus Sur Un Pays Qui Attise Les Passions
Charbit, Denis 2015 Le Cavalier Bleu $25.00 More Details
    Jude Wohin?: Ein Reisebericht Aus Den Ghettos Der Welt
Londres, Albert / Ben-Zion, Alexander [TRANSLATION] 1931 Phaidon $35.00 More Details
    Social and Political History of the Jews in Poland, 1919-1939
[SERIES]: Studies in the Social Sciences.
Marcus, Joseph 1983 Mouton Publishers $85.00 More Details
    The Bank: The Story of the Jewish Colonial Trust (JCT): [Otzar Hityashvut Hayehudim] [IN HEBREW]
Nakdimon, Shlomo / Dr. Carmel, Amos [EDIT] 2003 Milo $29.69 More Details
    Proceeding of The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Volume Five (1971 - 1976) [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
  1976 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $35.00 More Details
    Records of the Trials of the Spanish Inquisition in Ciudad Real: Volume Three: The Trials of 1512-1527 in Toledo [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH]
[SERIES]: Publications of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Section of Humanities: Fontes Ad Res Judaicas Spectantes.
Beinart, Haim [EDIT, INTRODUCTION, ANNOTATION] 1981 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $25.00 More Details
    Se`i Yona: Yemenite Jews in Israel [IN HEBREW]
Seri, Shalom [EDIT] 1983 Am Oved $37.50 More Details
    The Leo Jung Jubilee Volume: On the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday: Essays in his Honor [SIGNED] [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Kasher, Menahem M. ; Lamm, Norman ; Rosenfeld, Leonard [EDIT] 1962 Shulsinger $65.00 More Details
    Le Glossaire de Leipzig: Introduction [VOL. 2 ONLY]
[SERIES]: Publication de L`academie Nationale des Sciences et des Lettres D`Israel: Section des Lettres: Corpus glossariorum biblicorum Hebraico-Gallicorum medii aevi.
Banitt, Menahem [EDIT, ANNOTATION] 2005 Academie Nationale des Sciences et des Lettres D`Israel $35.00 More Details
    Studies in Al-Ghazzali
Lazarus-Yafeh, Hava 1975 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $120.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Debating Khirbet Qeiyafa: a fortified city in Judah from the time of King David
Garfinkel, Yosef / kreimerman, Igor / zilberg, piter 2016 The Hebrew University of jerusalem $120.00 More Details
    Hadashot arkheologiyot: excavations and surveys in israel.
Sussman, Sussman [edit] 2000 israel antiqities authority $20.31 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    American Painting: The Eighties: A Critical Interpretation
Rose, Barbara [TEXT] / Sloman, Steven [PHOTOGRAPHS] 1979 Thorner-Sidney Press $25.00 More Details
    Race and Slavery in The Middle East: An Historical Enquiry
Lewis, Bernard 1990 Oxford University Press $35.00 More Details
    Poetry Aptly Explained: Studies and Essays on Medieval Hebrew Poetry [IN HEBREW]
Fleischer, Ezra [EDIT] 1993 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $29.69 More Details
    Monatsschrift Fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums
Prof. Dr. Brann, M. 1919 Koebner`sche Verlagsbuchhandlung $45.00 More Details
    Textus: Annual of the Hebrew University Bible Project: Volume I [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Rabin, C. [EDIT] 1960 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $30.00 More Details
    Scripta Universitatis Atque Bibliotheca Hierosolymitanarum: Orientalia et Judaica: Volumen I [IN HEBREW AND GERMAN]
  1924 G. Kreysing $29.69 More Details
    Nach Jerusalem! [ORIGINAL FIRST EDITION] [VOL. 1 ONLY]
[SERIES]: Schriften (Institut zur Förderung der Israelitischen Literatur).
Frankl, Ludwig August 1858 Nies`sche Buchdruckerei (C. B. Lorck) $62.00 More Details
    Textus: Annual of the Hebrew University Bible Project: Volume III [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Rabin, C. [EDIT] 1963 Magnes Press \ The Hebrew University $30.00 More Details
    When We Lived in Jerusalem
Blyth, Estelle 1927 John Murray $45.00 More Details
    Fragments de L`exegese Biblique de Menahem bar [ben] Helbo (Auteur du XI-e siecle) [IN HEBREW]
var Helbo, Menahem / Poznanski, Samuel [COLLECTED, ANNOTED, EDITED] 1904 Schuldberg et Cie. $75.00 More Details
    L`invenzione Della Verita
Levi, Carlo / Barani, Valeria ; Grignani, M. Chiara [EDIT] / Grignani, M. Antonietta [INTRODUCTION] 1995 Edizioni della Biennale "Piemonte e Letteratura" $25.00 More Details
    La Familglia Aio`: Storia di Una Famiglia Ebraica in Italia da Venosa a Roma, Ancona e Pitigliano
Rossi Artom, Elena Lea 2022 $45.00 More Details
    Morocco [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: Jewish Communities in the East in The Nineteeth and Twentieth Centuries.
Saadon, Haim [EDIT] 2003 Ben-Zvi Institute $29.69 More Details
    Nepal: ander the Ranas
Sever, Adrian. 1993 Oxford University $75.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Manual of Puppetry [IN HEBREW, ENGLISH AND ARABIC]
Ben-Shalom (Honso) / Tarmon, Asher ; Zaks, Morris [TRANSLATION] 1986 $23.44 More Details
    Exile [IN HEBREW]
Somek, Rony 1973 Massada $14.06 More Details
    The Roots of The Revolution: A Brief History of the Defence Services of the Union of Burma and the Ideals For Which They Stand
Than, U Ba 1962 Director of Information $25.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Towards High-Density Housing in Arab Localities in Israel [in Hebrew]
Schnell, Izhak / Fares, Amin The Floersheimer Institute for Policy Studies $15.00 More Details
    Package Deal
Catalogue no. 621 6 artists 6 projects
Lichtenberg, Tamir 2015 The Israel Museum $17.19 More Details
    Jacob Pins: Woodcuts [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Pins, Jacob / Dagon, Yoav [CURATOR] 1992 Herzliya Museum of Art / BOOKS $29.69 More Details
    From Joshua to Josiah: Turning Points in the History of Israel from the Conquest of the Land Until the Fall of Judah [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]:Publication of the Perry Foundation for Biblical Research in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Weinfeld, Moshe 1992 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $37.50 More Details
    Eilat: Studies in the Archaeology, History and Geography of Eilat and the Aravah [IN HEBREW]
  1995 The Israel Exploration Society $29.69 More Details
    Die Hebraische Elias-Apokalypse und Ihre Stellung in der Apokalyprischen Litteratur des Rabbinischen Schrifttums und der Kirche: I. Halfte
Buttenwieser, Moses [ANNOTATION, TRANSLATION] 1897 Eduard Pfeiffer $45.00 More Details
    L`amour de Dieu Dans La Theologie Juive du Moyen Age
[SERIES]: Etudes de Philosophie Medievale / 46.
Vajda, Georges 1957 Libraire Philosophique J. Vrin $65.00 More Details
    Portuguese Jewry at the Stake: Studies on Jews and Crypto-Jews [In Hebrew]
Assis, Yom Tov [Edit] / Orfali, Moises [Edit] 2009 Magnes Press \ The Hebrew University $20.31 More Details
    West of Aden: A Survey of The Aden Jewish Community
Tobi, Jacob / Shenkar, Barry [TRANSLATION] 1994 Assocoation for Society and Culture $55.00 More Details
    The Star of David: An Ancient Symbol of Integration
Dr. Eder, Asher 1987 Rubin Mass $45.00 More Details
    A History of Ancient Ethics [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: Mount Scopus Publications.
Spegel, Nathan 1985 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $23.44 More Details
    Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge [IN HEBREW]
Bergmann, Hugo 1940 At the University Press $29.69 More Details
    The Rose and the Ring or the History of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo: A Fire-Side Pantomime for Great and Small Children
Thackeray, W. M. 1891 Smith, Elder & Co. $30.00 More Details
    Images of Ein Kerem
Passal, Daniela [TEXT AND DRAWING] 1987 Hummingbird Editions $45.00 More Details
    Re-Biographing and Deviance: Psychotherapeutic Narrativism and the Midrash
Rotenberg, Mordechai 1987 Praeger $75.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Manuscripts of the Jews of Persia in The Ben Zvi Institute [in HEBREW]
Netzer, Amnon 1985 The Ben Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East / Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi / The Hebrew University $56.25 More Details
    Kedem: Studies in Jewish Archeology: Issues by The Museum of Jewish Antiquities - II [This Volume Only] [In HEBREW]
Sukenik, E. L. [edit] 1945 Rubin Mass $35.00 More Details
    Cento libri famosi che non siamo riusciti a vendere: Manoscritti, incunaboli, libri rari e famosi dei secoli XVI, XVII, XVIII e XIX. Vendita all`asta. 5, 6 giugno 1935.
  1935 Liberia Antiquaria Ulrico Hoepli: Galleria de Cristoforis $30.00 More Details
    Irano-Judaica: Studies Relating to Jewish Contacts With Persian Culture Throughout The Ages [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Shaked, Shaul [EDIT] 1982 Ben-Zvi Institute $95.00 More Details
    Western Pilgrims (1322-1392): The Itineraries of Fr. Simon Fitzimmons (1322-23), a certain Englishman (1344-45), Thomas Brygg (1392), and Notes on Other Authors and Pilgrims
[SERIES]: Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Collectio Maior - No. 18.
Hoade, Eugene [Ed.] 1993 Franciscan Printing Press $45.00 More Details
    Souvenir de l`Exposition de Bruxelles 1910
  1910 $40.00 More Details
    Comparative Study of the Jewish Teacher Training Schools in the Diaspora
Dushkin, Alexander M. 1970 Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University Jerusalem $30.00 More Details
    Antologia Poezji Hebrajskiej
Szeps, Zew [TRANSLATION, NOTES] 1974 Oficyna Poetow I Malarzy $45.00 More Details
    I Samuel: Introduction and Commentary [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: Mikra LeyIsra`el: A Bible Commentary For Israel.
Bar-Efrat, Shimon [INTRODUCTION, COMMENTARY] 1996 Am Oved / The Magnes Press $37.50 More Details
    Semitic Writing from Pictograph to Alphabet
The Schweich lectures of the British Academy 1944
Driver; G. R. 1976 Oxford University Press $35.00 More Details
    Likkutei Tarbiz: A Biblical Studies Reader [IN HEBREW]
Likkutei Tarbiz I - Selected from Tarbiz - a quarterly for Jewish Studies
Weinfeld, Moshe [edit.] 1979 Magnes Press \ The Hebrew University $23.44 More Details
    Jewish Prince in Moslem Spain: Selected Poems of Samuel Ibn Nagrela [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW]
Ibn Nagrela, Samuel / Weinberger, Leon J. [TRANSLATION, INTRODUCTION, NOTES] 1973 The University of Alabama Press $45.00 More Details
    The Life of The Stateman That Is On Joseph [IN HEBREW]
Philo Judaeus / Cohen, Naomi G. [TRANSLATION, COMMENTARY, INTRODUCTION] 1965 Kiryath Sepher $23.44 More Details
    Arabic Elements in Palestinian Yiddish: The Old Ashkenazic Jewish Community in Palestine, It`s History and It`s Language
Kosover, Mordecai 1966 Rubin Mass $95.00 More Details
    Joshua: Introduction and Commentary [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: Mikra LeIsra`el: A Bible Commentary For Israel.
Ahituv, Shmuel [INTRODUCTION, COMMENTARY] 1996 Am Oved / The Magnes Press $37.50 More Details
    From Spanish Court to Italian Ghetto: Isaac Cardoso: A Study in Seventeeth-Century Marranism and Jewish Apologetics
Yerushalmi, Yosef Hayim 1971 Columbia University Press $65.00 More Details
    Un enfant juif de Vitebisk - Marc Chagall [in French and Yiddish]
Leneman, Leon 1983 Comite pour la langue et la culture Yiddish en France $45.00 More Details
    Kedem: Studies in Jewish Archeology: Issues by The Museum of Jewish Antiquities - I [This Volume Only] [In HEBREW]
Sukenik, E. L. [edit] 1942 Rubin Mass $35.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    The Forerunners: The Tragic History of 156 Down-East Americans Led to Jaffa in 1866 by Charismatic G. J. Adams to Plant the Seeds of Modern Israel
Holmes, Reed M. 1981 Herald Publishing House $30.00 More Details
    Ebrei e Cristiani Nell`Italia Medievale e Moderna: Conversioni, Scambi, Contrasti: Atti del VI Congresso Internazionale Dell`AISG S. Miniato, 4-6 Novembre 1986
[SERIES]: Associazione Italiana Per Lo Studio del Giudaismo: Testi e Studi / 6.
Luzzati, Michele ; Olivari, Michele ; Veronese, Alessandra [EDIT] 1988 Carucci Editore $45.00 More Details
    To Leave a Blessing: Memoirs of a Jewish Boy from Herat, Afghanistan [IN HEBREW]
Bezalel, Aharon 2009 Ben-Zvi Institute / Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $20.31 More Details
    About Hebrew Manuscripts
Adler, Elkan Nathan 1905 Henry Frowde $45.00 More Details
    Jewish Marriage in Palestine: A Cairo Geniza Study / Volume II The Ketubba Texts [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Friedman, Mordechai Akiva 1981 Tel-Aviv University / The Jewish Theological Seminary of America $180.00 More Details
    Jews On The Caravan Routes and In The Silver Mines of Macedonia: The Jewish Communities of Serres and Siderokapisi In The 15th and 16th Centuries [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: Yehudey Yavan Le-Dorotham: Greek Jewish Themes In Historical Perspective / 4.
Jacobsohn, Hanna 1984 Tel Aviv University $23.44 More Details
    An Apple From The Tree of Knowledge: Fifty Folktales From Afghanistan [IN HEBREW]
Yehoshua-Raz, Rafael 1986 Zur-Or $37.50 More Details
    Human Nutrition: Physiology, Public Health, Pathology [in Hebrew]
Guggenheim, Y. K. 1976 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $20.31 More Details
    Jubelschrift zum 70. Geburstag des Professors Dr. Heinrich Graetz [IN GERMAN AND HEBREW]
  1973 Georg Olms Verlag $35.00 More Details
    The Era of Peace: Thoughts and Meditations [IN HEBREW]
Zaoui, Andre C. 1980 Foundation Nathan Bloch $23.44 More Details
    Interpretation of Dreams in S.Y. Agnon`s Literary Works [IN HEBREW]
Schreibaum, Dvora 1993 Papyrus / Tel Aviv University $20.31 More Details
    Pacific Languages: An Introduction
Lynch, John 1998 University of Hawai`i Press $40.00 More Details
    Roeh Haorot: The Prophet of Light: The Song of Mankind, The Song of Repentance In The Writings of Rabbi A. I. Kook [IN HEBREW]
Prof. Lifshitz, Haim 1978 Hareiya Institute For Research in the Teachings of R. Abraham Isaac Kook / The Harry Fischel Institute for Research in Jewish Law $37.50 More Details
    Roumanian Jewry in World War II: Fight for Survival [IN HEBREW]
Lavi, Theodore 1965 Yad Vashem / Hitachdut Olei Romania $26.56 More Details
    Pearls of Jaina Wisdom (A Selection of Inspiring Aphorisms From The Jaina Scriptures)
Jain, Dulichand / Dr. Jain, Sagarmal ; Dr. Pandey, Shriprakash [EDIT] 1997 Parshavanath Vidyapeeth / Research Foundation for Jainology $45.00 More Details
    Siege Within Siege: The Jewish Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem During the War of Independence [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: 1948 - The Urban War.
Ehrnvald, Moshe 2004 The Ben-Gurion Research Center / Ben-Gurion University Of The Negev Press $56.25 More Details
    Sagiv Dictionary: Arabic-Hebrew, Hebrew-Arabic [IN HEBREW AND ARABIC]
Sagiv, David 2008 Schocken $100.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Zeus und Hera: Urbild des Vaters, des Gatten und der Frau
Kerenyi, Karl 1972 E.J.BRILL $30.00 More Details
    Textualterity: Art, Theory and Textual Criticism
Grigely, Joseph 1995 The University of Michigan Press $120.00 More Details
    The Struggle for the Jewish State: Zionist Politics 1936-1948
Heller, Joseph The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History $17.19 More Details
    Der Feudalismus im alten Iran
Widengren, Geo 1969 Westdeutscher Verlag $45.00 More Details
    Gifts: In Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
  2016 The Israel Museum $45.00 More Details
    Corso Pratico di Morfologia Ebraica con elementi di fonetica e di sintassi ed esercizi
Artom, Menachem Emanuele 1975 Jerualem Academic Press $45.00 More Details
    Linguistic Studies: Collected Papers in Hebrew and Semitic Languages [in HEBREW]
Rabin, Haim 1999 The Academy of the Hebrew Language / The Bialik Institute $29.69 More Details
    Mordechai Gumpel: Mosaic of Dreams [in Hebrew, English, German]
Mordechai Gumpel 2002 The Artists House Jerusaelm $29.69 More Details
    Liturgical poems of Simon Bar megas [in HEBREW]
Bar magas, Sim`on / Yahalom, Joseph 1984 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $29.69 More Details
    Jews and Conversos: Studies in Society and the Inquisition [in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese]
Kaplan, Yosef [Tr`] 1985 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $55.00 More Details

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