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Author Year Publication name Price Action
  The Canmores: Kings & Queens of the Scots 1040-1290
Oram, Richard 2002 Tempus $20.00 More Details
  Dalalat Al Haiirin: Zurechtweisung der Verirrten: Dritter Theil [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW AND GERMAN]
Ben Maimon, Moses [Maimonides] / Scheyer, D. Simon [TRANSLATION] 1920 Louis Lamm $120.00 More Details
  Rabbi Eliezer: Rabbi Joshua: Collected Sayings, in Halakah and Aggadah, in the Talmudic and Midrashic Literature [IN HEBREW]
Dr. Konovitz, Israel [COLLECTED] 1965 Mossad Harav Kook $23.44 More Details
  Biographies: Six Solo Exhibitions at Hagar Art Gallery, Jaffa [IN HEBREW, ENGLISH AND ARABIC]
Ben Zvi, Tal [EDITOR, CURATOR] 2006 Hagar Association $45.00 More Details
  Oisland (En El Extranjero) [IN YIDDISH]
Dr. Mukdoni, A. 1951 Union Central Israelita Polaca en la Argentina $45.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Der Suche über Jisroel Pflichten: in der Zerstreuung, Zunächst für Jissroels denfende Junglinge und Jungfrauen
Hirsch, Samson Raphael 1889 J. Kauffmann $45.00 More Details
    An Arduous Road: Samuel Bak: 60 Years of Creativity [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Bak, Samuel / Shendar, Yehudit [EDITOR, CURATOR] 2006 Yad Vashem Art Museum $37.50 More Details
    Presenza Ebraica a Ferrara: Testimoninze Archivistiche Fino al 1492
Franceschini, Adriano ; Ravenna, Paolo [EDIT] 2007 L.S. Olschki $75.00 More Details
    Shelomo Selinger: Les Camps de la Mort - Dessin d`un Rescape Memoire d`Outre-Vie (The Death Camps - Drawing by a Survivor Memoir from Beyond a Life) [IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH]
Selinger, Shelomo 2005 Somogy Editions D`Art $120.00 More Details
    East and West Selected Writings in Linguistics
Rosen, Haiim B. 1982 Wilhelm Fink $45.00 More Details
    La Chine Dans Un Miroir
Roy, Claude 1953 La Guilde du Livre $30.00 More Details
    Os Macondes de Mocambique: III Vida Social e Ritual [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Dias, Jorge ; Dias, Margot 1970 $75.00 More Details
    Torah and Reason: Insiders and Outsiders of Torah [SIGNED]
Dr. Zimmerman, Chaim 1979 Hed Press $65.00 More Details
    Frank Auerbach: Painting and Drawing 1954 - 2001
Auerbach, Frank / Carlisle, Isabel ; Lampert, Catherine ; Rosenthal, Norman [CURATORS] 1972 Royal Academy of Arts $35.00 More Details
  The Trial of German Major War Criminals: Proceedings of The International Military Tribunal Sitting ar Nuremberg Germany: Part I: 20th November, 1945 to 1st December, 1945: Taken from the Official Transcript
  1946 His Majesty`s Stationery Office $65.00 More Details
    Archipielago [ALBUM WITH CARDS]
  Gobierno de Canarias Presidencia $240.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Manual de la Historia Judia (Desde Los Origenes Hasta Nuestros Dias)
Dubnow, Simon / Resnick, Salomon [TRANSLATION] / Senderey, Moises [APPENDIX] 1955 Editorial S. Sigal $25.00 More Details
    Tosephta: Based On The Erfurt and Vienna Codices with Parallels and Variant: With "Supplement to the Tosephta" [IN HEBREW]
Dr. Zuckermandel, M. S.[EDIT] / Liebermann, Saul 1937 Bamberger & Wahrmann $75.00 More Details
    Zev Vilnay`s Jubilee Volume: Essays on the History, Archaeology and Lore of the Holy Land, Presented to Zev Vilnay [TWO VOLUMES SET] [IN HEBREW]
Schiller, Ely [EDIT] 1984 Ariel $37.50 More Details
    Storia Degli Ebrei di Libia
Haggiag-Liluf, Yacob 2005 Centro di Studi Sull`Ebraismo Libico $35.00 More Details
    Judea and Samaria: Studies in Settlement Geography: In Memory of Dr. Avraham Yaakov Brawer [TWO VOLUMES SET] [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: The Land of Israel and The Middle East: Studies in Regional Geography / I.
Shmueli, Avshalom ; Grossman, David ; Zeevy, Rechavam [EDITORS] 1977 Canaan Publishing House $37.50 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Herod: The Life and Death of the King of Judea: The Intriguing Story of King Herod of Judea and Professor Ehud Netzer`s Discovery of his Monumental Palaces and Mausoleum Plus an Inside View of The Production of The Unprecedented Exhibition an The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Roman, Yadin 2013 Eretz Magazine $30.00 More Details
    Givati: Paintings 1960-2006 [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Givati, Moshe / Kofler, Hana [CURATOR] 2006 Tel Aviv Museum of Art $240.00 More Details
    A Song in Metal: Folk Art of Uzbekistan [IN RUSSIAN]
Abdullayev, T. ; Fakhretdinova, D. ; Khakimov, A. 1986 Gafur Gulyam Art and Literature Publishers $35.00 More Details
    Chaim Heinz Fenchel: A Complex Puzzle [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Dr. Sonder, Ines ; Berkowitz, Arie [RESEARCH] / Berkowitz, Arie ; Rubin, Carmela [EDIT] / Halkin, Talya ; Perez, Michal [TRANSLATION] 2012 Federmann and Fenchel Families $78.12 More Details
    A History of The Roman Empire [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: History of the Classical World.
Amit, Moshe 2003 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $37.50 More Details
    Digest of the Responsa Literature of Spain and North Africa [IN HEBREW] [FIVE VOLUMES SET] [SIGNED]
[SERIES]: The Israel Institute for Research in Jewish Law Publication.
Elon, Menachem [EDIT] 1981-1987 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $171.88 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    RAMBAM - Mishne Tora, Yad hachzakah Vol 6. A collection of ethical and practical halachos from The book of service and The book of sacrifices [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Rambam [Maimonides] / Finkel, Avraham Yaakov [Ed.] 2003 Yeshivat Beth Moshe $30.00 More Details
    Existence and Meaning: Martin Heidegger on Man, Language and Art [IN HEBREW]
Mansbach, Abraham 1998 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $20.31 More Details
    Who Are You Edgar Bronfman? Talks with Michael Shashar [SIGNED] [IN HEBREW]
Shashar (Shereshevsky), Michael 1999 Shashar Publishing $14.06 More Details
    Torah and Philosophy: Towards a Philosophy of the Torah [IN HEBREW]
Falk, Zeev W. 2001 The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies $17.19 More Details
    Essai sur les Donnée Immédiates de la Conscience [IN HEBREW]
Bergson, Henri / Ur, Joseph 1977 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $14.06 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
[SERIES]: The Israel Museum: Catalogue / 692.
Kamien-Kazhdan, Adina [CURATOR] / Adi, Einat [EDIT, TRANSLATION] 2020 The Israel Museum $29.69 More Details
    Magicismos [COMES IN A CARTON BOX]
Hernandez D`Jesus, Enrique [POEMS] / Sznajderman, Marius [ILLUSTRATIONS] 1989 Editorial Ex Libri $65.00 More Details
    Chaim Heinz Fenchel: A Complex Puzzle [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Dr. Sonder, Ines ; Berkowitz, Arie [RESEARCH] / Berkowitz, Arie ; Rubin, Carmela [EDIT] / Halkin, Talya ; Perez, Michal [TRANSLATION] 2012 Federmann and Fenchel Families $171.88 More Details
    Papyri and Leather Manuscripts of The Odes of Solomon
[SERIES]: Dickerson Series of Facsimiles of Manuscripts Important for Christian Origins / I.
Chalesworth, J. H. [EDIT] 1981 Duke University $45.00 More Details
    Job`s dungheap : essays on Jewish nationalism and social revolution, with a portrait of Bernard Lazare by Charles Peguy
[SERIES]: Schocken Library / 10
Bernard Lazare / Binsse, Harry Lorin [Translation] 1948 Schocken Books $25.00 More Details
de Lagarde, Paul 1878 Dieterich`sche Verlagsbuchhandlung $45.00 More Details
    Engineer-king: David Ben-Gurion, science and nation building [IN HEBREW]
Barell, Ari 2014 The Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Isarel and Zionism - BGU $15.00 More Details
    John Elsas (1851-1935): Seine Collagen, Aquarelle und Knittelverse
Elsas, John / Kunze, Max ; Kunze, Jutta [EDIT] 2014 Franz Philipp Rutzan $50.00 More Details
    Discovering The City of David: A Journey to the Source
Horovitz, Ahron / Dr. Meiron, Eyal [SCIENTIFIC EDITOR] / Guggenheimer, Michael ; Feinberg Vamosh, Miriam [TRANSLATION] 2010 Magalim $45.00 More Details
    Paul Reps: Letters to a Friend, Writing & Drawings: 1939 to 1980
Reps, Paul 1981 Stillgate Publishers $75.00 More Details
    Proceedings of The Israel Academy of Science and Humanities: Volume Three [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [COMES IN A CARTON BOX]
  1969 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $30.00 More Details
    Niggun: Stories Behind The Chasidic Songs that Inspire Jews
Stainman, Mordechai 1994 Jason Aronson Inc. $45.00 More Details
    New-Christians in Portugal in the 20th century
[SERIES]: "Kuntresim" - Texts and Studies / 95
Schwarz, Samuel / Stuczynski, Claude B. [Translation] 2005 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History / The Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History $17.19 More Details
    Autos Sacramentales Completos de Calderon [THREE VOLUMES SET]
[SERIES]: Autos Sacramentales Completos de Calderon / Teatro del Siglo de Oro.
Galar Irurre, Eva ; Arellano, Ignacio ; Roig, Monica 2010 Kassel / Reichenberger / Universidad de Navarra $70.00 More Details
    Our Vision: To Be The Leading Port in Israel and Among The Most Important and Advanced Ports in the Mediterranean
Shmoul, Avi [EDIT] 2012 Ashdod Port Company $30.00 More Details
    L`oeuvre d`Andrea Palladio: Les Villas des Doges de Venise [TWO VOLUMES SET]
[SERIES]: "Documents D`Architecture".
Loukomski, G. K. Albert Morance $100.00 More Details
    Discovering The City of David: A Journey to the Source
Horovitz, Ahron / Dr. Meiron, Eyal [SCIENTIFIC EDITOR] / Guggenheimer, Michael ; Feinberg Vamosh, Miriam [TRANSLATION] 2010 Magalim $35.00 More Details
    Discovering The City of David: A Journey to the Source
Horovitz, Ahron / Dr. Meiron, Eyal [SCIENTIFIC EDITOR] / Guggenheimer, Michael ; Feinberg Vamosh, Miriam [TRANSLATION] 2010 Magalim $35.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Sionismo Y Universalidad: Antologia de Ensayos y Discursos
[SERIES]: Escritos Escogidos / II.
Senkman, Leonardo [SELECTIONS] / Huberman, Abraham ; Dorfman, Eleonora [TRANSLATION] 1978 Ediciones Portenas $25.00 More Details
    Lectures on the Philosophy of History
Hegel, G. W. F. / Sibree, J. [TRANSLATION] 1890 George Bell and Sons $45.00 More Details
    Chanukka: Heft 25 / Aus Midrash Und Agada: Heft 3 [IN GERMAN]
Ehrmann, Elieser L. 1938 Schocken Verlag $30.00 More Details
    Victory Over The Sun: Russian Avant-Garde and Beyond [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
[SERIES]: The Israel Museum: Catalogue / 673.
Sirakovich, Tania [EDITOR, CURATOR] 2018 The Israel Museum $23.44 More Details
    Chaim Heinz Fenchel: A Complex Puzzle [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Dr. Sonder, Ines ; Berkowitz, Arie [RESEARCH] / Berkowitz, Arie ; Rubin, Carmela [EDIT] / Halkin, Talya ; Perez, Michal [TRANSLATION] 2012 Federmann and Fenchel Families $78.12 More Details
    Harmony and Discord: An Analysis of the Decline of Jewish Self-Government in 15th Century Central Europe
Zimmer, Eric 1970 Yeshiva University Press $30.00 More Details
    And The English Was Then I The Land: The Security Aspect of the British Mandate in Eretz Israel [IN HEBREW]
Aley Zait Vacherev (Olive Leaves and Sword): Studies in the Security of the Yishuv and the State of Israel - Vol. 9
Man, Nir [Ed.] 2009 Carmel / Galili Center for Defence Studies $15.00 More Details
    Chaim Heinz Fenchel: A Complex Puzzle [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Dr. Sonder, Ines ; Berkowitz, Arie [RESEARCH] / Berkowitz, Arie ; Rubin, Carmela [EDIT] / Halkin, Talya ; Perez, Michal [TRANSLATION] 2012 Federmann and Fenchel Families $203.12 More Details
    Chaim Heinz Fenchel: A Complex Puzzle [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Dr. Sonder, Ines ; Berkowitz, Arie [RESEARCH] / Berkowitz, Arie ; Rubin, Carmela [EDIT] / Halkin, Talya ; Perez, Michal [TRANSLATION] 2012 Federmann and Fenchel Families $109.38 More Details
    Chaim Heinz Fenchel: A Complex Puzzle [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Dr. Sonder, Ines ; Berkowitz, Arie [RESEARCH] / Berkowitz, Arie ; Rubin, Carmela [EDIT] / Halkin, Talya ; Perez, Michal [TRANSLATION] 2012 Federmann and Fenchel Families $140.62 More Details
    The State of Things: Design and The 21st Century [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Bloemink, Barabara J. [CURATOR] / Dvash, Maya [EDIT] / Halkin, Talya [TRANSLATION] 2010 Design Museum $29.69 More Details
    Not To Be Looked At: Unseen Sites in Israel Today [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: The Israel Museum: Catalogue / 430.
Shapira, Sarit [CURATOR] / Raz, Daphna [EDIT] 2000 The Israel Museum $29.69 More Details
    Homage to Odessa [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Arbel, Rachel [CURATOR, EDITOR] / Shamir, Ami ; Schramm, Lenn [TRANSLATION] 2002 Beth Hatefutsoth $23.44 More Details
    Children of Israel
Gold, Alethea ; Zordan, Luca 2013 Gefen $30.00 More Details
    Studied in Jewish Liturgy [IN HEBREW]
Likkutey Tarbiz VI
Mack, Hananel [Ed.] 2003 Magnes Press \ The Hebrew University $20.31 More Details
    Arabische Grammatik
[SERIES]: Methode Gaspey-Otto-Sauer.
Harder, Ernst 1931 Julius Groos $25.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    History of the Armenians in the Holy Land
Hintlian, Kevork 1976 St. James Press $240.00 More Details
    Job in the Bible, Philosphy and Art: A Symposium of the Department of Bible, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, March 14, 1993 [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: Mount Scopus Publications
Mazor, Lea [Ed.] 1996 Magnes Press \ The Hebrew University $14.06 More Details
    The Sages: Their Concepts and Beliefs [TWO VOLUMES SET]
Urbach, Ephraim E. / Abrahams, Israel [TRANSLATION] 1987 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $45.00 More Details
    The Concept of Time in Late Neoplatonism: Texts with Translation, Introduction and Notes [COMES IN A CARTON BOX]
Sambursky, S. ; Pines, S. 1971 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $120.00 More Details
    Hagar - Contemporary Palestinian Art [IN HEBREW, ARABIC AND ENGLISH]
Ben Zvi, Tal [CURATOR] / Kassovsky, Daria ; Roaa Translation [TRANSLATION] 2006 Hagar Association $40.00 More Details
    Three Who Preceded Ben-Yehuda [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: Library of the History of the Yishuv in Eretz Yisrael
Haramati, Shlomo 1978 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $15.00 More Details
    Truman and The American Commitment to Israel: A Thirtieth Anniversary Conference
Weinstein, Allen ; Ma`oz, Moshe [EDIT] 1981 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $30.00 More Details
    The Thai Resistance Movement During the Second World War
Haseman, John B. 1978 Chalermnit Press $20.00 More Details
    Deedes Bey: A Study of Sir Wyndham Deedes: 1883-1923
Presland, John 1942 Macmillan & Co. $30.00 More Details
    Akedass Jizhak: Ein Altjiddisches Gedicht Uber Die Opferung Isaaks
Dreessen, Wulf-Otto [NOTES, EDIT] 1971 Leibniz $65.00 More Details
    Folk Elements in Burmese Buddhism
Aung, Maung Htin 1975 U Hla Maung $25.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    The Holy Land: Short Illustrated Guide
Policarpo, Angelisanti / Hoade, Eugene [TRANSLATION] 1966 Franciscan Printing Press $20.00 More Details
    Sukkah: Die Festhutte
[SERIES]: Jeruschalmi: Der Palastinische Talmud.
Horowitz, Charles [TRANSLATION, INTERPRETATION] 1983 J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) $25.00 More Details
    An Introduction to The Original Gospel Faith
Teshima, Ikuro 1970 Makuya Bible Seminary $45.00 More Details
    Imagining Each Other: Blacks and Jews in Contemporary American Literature
[SERIES]: SUNY series in Modern Jewish Literature and Culture.
Goffman, Ethan 2000 State University of New York Press $30.00 More Details
    The Prophetical Stories: The Narratives About The Prophets in The Hebrew Bible Their Literary Types and History [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: Publication of the Perry Foundation for Biblical Research in The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Rofe, Alexander 1986 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $26.56 More Details
    The Archaeology of Greek Colonisation: Essays Dedicated to Sir John Boardman [SIGNED]
Tsetskhladze, Gocha R. ; De Angelis, Franco [EDIT] 1994 Oxford University Committee for Archaeology $30.00 More Details
    Doctor ad Solitudinem et Ductor ad Simplicitatem [IN HEBREW]
b Joshua b. Abraham Maimonides, David / Fenton, P. B. [TRANSLATION, ANNOTATION, PREFACE] 1987 Mekize Nirdamim $75.00 More Details
    The Ancient Synagogue of El-Hammeh (Hammath By Gadara): An Account of The Excavations Conducted of Behalf of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Sukenik, E. L. 1935 Rubin Mass $75.00 More Details
    The Ancient Coptic Churches of Cairo: A Short Account
Dr. Habib, Raouf 1979 Mahabba Bookshop $25.00 More Details
[SERIES]: La Gerbe Hebraique.
Bialik, Hayim-Nahmane / Milbauer, Joseph [TRANSLATION] 1958 Organisation Sioniste Mondiale, Département de la Jeunesse et du Héhalouts $35.00 More Details
    Mania Shohat [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: Library of the History of the Yishuv in Eretz-Israel.
Yanait Ben-Zvi, Rachel 1976 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $23.44 More Details
    The Psychology of Alfred Adler and The Development of the Child
Ganz, Madelaine / Bovet, Pierre [PREFACE] / Mairet, Philip [TRANSLATION] 1935 Routledge and Kegan Paul $45.00 More Details
    Jesus in India: Being an Account of Jesus` Escape from Death on The Cross and of His Journey to India
Ahmad of Qadian, Ghulam 1962 Ahmadiyya Muslim Foreign Missions Dep $20.00 More Details
    Nedarim Gelubde
[SERIES]: Jeruschalmi: Der Palastinische Talmud.
Horowitz, Charles [TRANSLATION, INTERPRETATION] 1983 J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) $25.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Jews of the Diamond City / Joden in de Diamantstad - Amsterdam: Heritage of 400 years
Edelman, Simona [Ed.] / Segel, Michal [Translation, Eng.] / Almor, Ya`akov [Translation, Dutch] 1988 H. Oppenheimer Diamond Museum $15.00 More Details
    Flora Palaestina: Part Three: Text: Ericaceae To Composite [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
[SERIES]: Publications / Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Section of Sciences.
Feinbrun-Dothan, Naomi 1978 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $68.75 More Details
    Flora Palaestina: Part Three: Text: Ericaceae To Composite [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
[SERIES]: Publications / Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Section of Sciences.
Feinbrun-Dothan, Naomi 1978 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $68.75 More Details
    Deuteronomium 1-6: Literarkritisch und Traditionsgeschichtlich Untersucht
[SERIES]: Beiheft zur Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft / 139.
Mittmann, Siegfried 1975 Walter de Gruyter $20.00 More Details
    The Lithuanian Yeshiva: Revised and Expanded Edition [IN HEBREW]
Stampfer, Shaul 2005 The Zalman Shazar Center $29.69 More Details
    Joseph Lebdi Prominent India Trader: Cairo Geniza Documents [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: India Book / I. ; Sources for the Study of Jewish Culture. ; Oriens Judaicus / Series I, Volume IV.
Goitein, S. D. ; Friedman, Mordechai Akiva 2009 Ben-Zvi Institute $37.50 More Details
    British Trojan horse in the Israeli War of Liberation: 1947-1948 [IN HEBREW]
Nishry, Ezra 2019 Steimatzky $20.31 More Details
    German Reparatioins: A History of the Negotiations
Sagi, Nana / Alon, Dafna [TRANSLATION] 1980 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $120.00 More Details
    Jesus, A Jewish Galilean: A New Reading of the Jesus Story
Freyne, Sean 2004 T & T Clark International $25.00 More Details
    The Literary and Oral Tradition of Hebrew and Aramaic Amongst The Samaritans: Vol. IV: The Words of the Pentateuch [IN HEBREW AND ARAMAIC] [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
[SERIES]: The Academy of the Hebrew Language: Texts and Studies / X.
Ben-Hayyim, Z. 1977 The Academy of the Hebrew Language $37.50 More Details
    The Literary and Oral Tradition of Hebrew and Aramaic Amongst The Samaritans: Vol. IV: The Words of the Pentateuch [IN HEBREW AND ARAMAIC] [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
[SERIES]: The Academy of the Hebrew Language: Texts and Studies / X.
Ben-Hayyim, Z 1977 The Academy of the Hebrew Language $37.50 More Details
    The Jewish Wardrobe: From the Collection of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Juhasz, Esther [EDIT] 2012 Israel Museum / 5 Continents $75.00 More Details
    Jewish Sites in Egypt [IN HEBREW]
Meital, Yoram 1995 Ben-Zvi Institute For The Study Of Jewish Communities In The East\ Center For Integration Of The Oriental Jewish Heritage $20.31 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Illness and Healing in Ancient Times
[SERIES]: Catalogue no. 13
Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum; Rimon, Ofra 1996 Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum - Haifa University $20.31 More Details
    Beyond the Burning Furnace: Dialogue in the Garden of Eden / New Poems of Zion [Signed]
Zaoui, André Chalom 1981 R. H. Hacohen Press Ltd. $20.31 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    The Mirror and Other Stories [IN YIDDISH]
[SERIES]: Yiddish Literature.
Bashevis-Singer, Isaac / Shmeruk, Chone [INTODUCTION] 1979 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $23.44 More Details
    Studies Of The Research Institute For Hebrew Poetry In Jerusalem: Vol. 2 [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
Brody, H.; Habermann, A. M.; Zulay, M.; Schirmann, J. 1936 Schocken $26.56 More Details
    Historia da Literatura Brasileira
[SERIES]: Colecao: Documentos Brasileiros.
Verissimo, Jose 1954 Jose Olympio Editora $30.00 More Details
    Il Yemen: Nella Storia e Nella Leggenda
[SERIES]: Collezione di Opere e Di Monografie a Cura del Ministero Delle Colonie / 17.
Ansaldi, Cesare 1933 Sindacato Italiano Arti Grafiche $95.00 More Details
    The Hebrew Language Tradition of the Yemenite Jews [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: The Academy of the Hebrew Language: Studies / IV.
Morag, Shelomo 1963 The Academy of the Hebrew Language $56.25 More Details
    Siddur of R. Solomon ben Samson of Garmaise: Including The Siddur of the Haside Ashkenas [IN HEBREW]
Hershler, Moshe 1971 $109.38 More Details
    Overlapping Voices: Israeli and Palestinian Artists [ENGLISH AND GERMAN]
Schneider, Karin ; Adler, Tal ; Murkus, Amal [CURATORS] 2008 Edition Sammlung Essl $35.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    The Hebrew Translation of The Gospel of Mark: Greek-Hebrew Diglot with English Introduction [IN HEBREW AND GREEK]
Lisle Lindsey, Robert [INTRODUCTION] / Flusser, David [FOREWORD] 1969 Dugith Publishers $95.00 More Details
    I Was Doctor Mengele`s Assistant: The Memoir of an Auschwitz Physician
Zbirohowaki-Koscia, Witold [TRANSLATION] 2001 Frap-Books $35.00 More Details
    My Longest Year: In The Hungarian Labour Service and in The Nazi Camps
Sandberg, Moshe / Rothkirchen, Livia [EDIT] / Hyman, S. C. [TRANSLATION] 1968 Yad Vashem $25.00 More Details
    Israel and Palestine: The History of an Idea
Buber, Martin / Godman, Stanley [TRANSLATION] 1952 East and West Library $30.00 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    In The Land of Hagar: The Jews of Hungary: History, Society and Culture
Szalai, Anna [EDIT] 2002 Ministry of Defence $45.00 More Details
    Alfares Y Alfareros de Espana
Guerrero Martin, Jose / Belver, Jordi [PHOTOGRAPHS] 1988 Ediciones del Serbal $45.00 More Details
    Momente der Stille: Neuseelands Landschaften [COMES IN A CARTON BOX]
Waldenmaier, Jens 2005 NZ Visitor Publications $25.00 More Details
    The Kaf Gimel: Obscure Mission
Naor, Mordecai 2019 Yehuda Dekel Library $17.19 More Details
    Jerusalem: In Pilgrims and Travellers` Accounts: A Thematic Bibliography of Western Christian Itineraries: 1300 - 1917
Schur, Nathan 1980 Ariel $45.00 More Details
    Art Nouveau and Art Deco Bookbinding: The French Masterpieces: 1880-1940
de Bartha, Georges ; Duncan, Alastair / Juvelis, Priscilla [PREFACE] 1989 Thames and Hudson $45.00 More Details
    Ethiopia [IN HEBREW]
[SERIES]: Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.
Salamon, Hagar [EDIT] 2007 Ministry of Education / Ben-Zvi Institute $23.44 More Details
    The American Brother: The "Joint" in Russia, The USSR and The CIS [IN ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN]
Beizer, Michael ; Mistel, Mikhail / Yahilevich, Mikhail [CURATOR] / Cohen, Yisrael Elliot [TRANSLATION] 2004 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee $65.00 More Details
    Studies Of The Research Institute For Hebrew Poetry In Jerusalem: Vol. 2 [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
Brody, H.; Habermann, A. M.; Zulay, M.; Schirmann, J. 1936 Schocken $26.56 More Details

Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Maine Shturmishe Iorn (Los Anos de Tormenta) [IN YIDDISH]
Mastbaum, Joel 1950 Union Central Israelita Polaca en la Argentina $40.00 More Details
    Yorn in Wander (Anos Errabundos) [IN HEBREW]
Zak, Abraham 1949 Union Central Israelita Polaca en la Argentina $30.00 More Details
    Der Letzter Lodzer Roman {La Ultima Novela de Lodz) [IN YIDDISH]
Segalowicz, Z. 1951 Union Central Israelita Polaca en la Argentina $45.00 More Details
    Doctor Perplexorum oder: Theologisch-Philosophische Erörterung über die Uebereinstimmung der Mosaischen und Rabbinischen Religionsquellen mit der Philosophie [IN HEBREW AND GERMAN]
Maimonides, Moses / Furstenthal, R. I. [TRANSLATION] 1920 Louis Lamm $45.00 More Details
    Pachad Jizchak [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
  1868 M`kize Nirdamim (L. Silbermann) $56.25 More Details
    Anna`s house: The American Colony in Jerusalem
Tveit, Odd Karsten / Scott-Hansen, Peter [Translation] 2009 Rimal Publications $35.00 More Details
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Ducasse, Isidore (Comte de Lautreamont) / Magrite, Rene [ILLUSTRATIONS] 1925 Editions La Boetie $250.00 More Details

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