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Price Index Number Actions
Nouveau Dictionnaire Francois-Italien, Compose Sur Les Dictionnaires Des Ac
    D`Alberti de Villeneuve, Francois
$180 AR 2170 005 Remove
Kupat Holim, The Histadrut and the Government: The Formative Years of the H
    Shvarts, Shifra
$20.31 AR 1907 009 Remove
Paul Klee: Das Bildnerische Denken
    Klee, Paul / Spiller, Jurg [Ed.]
$48 AR 1983 011 Remove
The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night [FOUR VOLUME SET].
    Mardrus, J. C. ; Mathers, Powys [Tr.]
$48 AR 1504 001 Remove
Aharon Kahana [IN HEBREW]
    Ofrat, Gideon
$37.50 AR 2274 023 Remove
Sura: Israeli-American Annual: For Study and Reasearch in Problems Relating
    Mirsky, Samuel K. [EDIT]
$26.56 AR 2269 006 Remove
The Beth Haim of Ouderkerk ann de Amstel [Images of a Portugese Jewish Ceme
    Gorcum, Van
$25 AR 2138 002 Remove
Nursing in Law [IN HEBREW]
    Carmi, Amnon
$17.19 AR 1495 020 Remove
Sub total: $402.56

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