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The Orthographic reform of Hebrew: The Problem and the Attempts to solve it
    Weinberg, Werner
$14.06 SH 087 091 Remove
Materials on Aramaic Dialectology - Volume I - The Urmia Dialect, Fasc. 1 [
    Tsereteli, Konstantin [Konstantine Grigolis dse Zereteli; Constantine
$75 MA 21 25 Remove
Marbeh Hokmah: Studies in the Bible and the Ancient Near East: In Loving Me
    Yona, S. ; Greenstein, E. L. ; Gruber, M. I. ; Machinist, P. ; Paul, S
$100 AR 2187 002 Remove
Isaac Lamdan: A Study in Twentieth-Century Hebrew Poetry
    Yudkin, Leon I.
$30 AR 2137 007 Remove
Zeitschrift fur die Religiosen Interessen der Judenthums: Erster Jahrgang /
    Frankel, Z. [Ed.] / Holdheim, Samuel
$200 AR 2005 009 Remove
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: 20th Anniversary Edition.
    Rowling, J. K.
$30 AR 1536 013 Remove
Ubersetzung des Talmud Yerushalmi: Moed Qatan: Halbfeiertage
    Tilly, Heinz-Peter [TRANSLATION]
$55 AR 2233 002 Remove
Sub total: $504.06

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