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Price Index Number Actions
Otzrot Lashon: The Hebrew Philology Manuscripts and Genizah Fragments in th
    Maman, Aharon
$23.44 AR 2177 002 Remove
Palestinian Voices: Communication and Nation Building in the West Bank
    Shinar, Dov
$30 AR 1796 001 Remove
Historia da Literatura Brasileira
    Verissimo, Jose
$30 AR 2213 008 Remove
Le Neoplatonisme
$75 AR 2157 015 Remove
The Torah - The Five Books of Moses in Large Type - English Edition [FIVE V
$120 MB 03 02 Remove
Storia Degli Ebrei: Dall`edificazione Del Secondo Tempio Fino Ai Giorni Nos
    Schwab, Moise / Prof. Pugliese, G. [TRANSLATION]
$65 AR 2146 009 Remove
Dictionary of Strength of Materials: Hebrew- English- French- German
$14.06 SH 035 144 Remove
Nazi Germany, Canadian Responses: Confronting Antisemitism In the Shadow Of
    Klein, Ruth L. [Ed.]
$25 AR 2041 019 Remove
Sub total: $382.50

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