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Price Index Number Actions
L`Album d`Auschwitz [FACSIMILE]
    Klarsfeld, Serge [Ed.]
$180 MC 23 01 Remove
Lena Cronqvist: Ett Dromspel
    Strindberg, August / Cronqvist, Lena [Lithographies]
$20 AR 1989 017 Remove
Tsar Nicholas I and the Jews: The Transformation of Jewish Society in Russi
    Stanislawski, Michael
$30 AR 2278 004 Remove
On History: Collected Studies [IN HEBREW].
    Lewis, Bernard / Simon, Rachel [Ed`]
$20.31 AR 1437 013 Remove
Body and Mind [IN HEBREW]
    Campbell, Keith / Navon, Yoram [TRANSLATION] / Leibowitz, Isaiah [EDIT
$14.06 H 025 472 Remove
Speak Hebrew!: The Life of Eliezer Ben Yehuda [TWO VOLUMES SET] [IN HEBREW]
    Lang, Yoseph
$43.75 AR 2150 001 Remove
The Moslem World and the Arab World
    Ben-Zevie, I.
$45 AR 2083 004 Remove
Faust ou l`Autre en question: Dieu, la femme, le mal - etude litteraire et
    Miles, Francoise / Dabezies, Andre [Preface]
$65 AR 1562 021 Remove
Girolamo da Ferrara detto da Carpi: l`Opera Pittorica
    Mezzetti, Amalia / [Girolamo da Ferrara detto da Carpi]
$45 AR 1122 011 Remove
Louise Schatz [SIGNED]
    Schatz, Louise [Artist]
$20.31 AR 1965 002 Remove
Sub total: $483.43

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