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Synagogen Rheinland-Pfalz - Saarland
    Fischbach, Stefan ; Westerhoff, Ingrid [EDIT]
$45 AR 2277 025 Remove
Existence and Meaning: Martin Heidegger on Man, Language and Art [IN HEBREW
    Mansbach, Abraham
$20.31 H 028 382 Remove
The Coinage of Nysa-Scythopolis (Beth-Shean).
    Barkay, Rachel
$280 MC 18 16 Remove
Sow and Grow: A Gardening Book for Children
    Davis, Tina
$14.06 H 038 246 Remove
Writing in Early Childhood [IN HEBREW]
    Guberman, Ainat; Habib, Talia; Sandbank, Ana; Yifat, Rachel; Zadunaisk
$17.19 AR 1711 006 Remove
Sigmund Freud: On the Occasion of the Centenary of his Birth (5.6.1956) [IN
    Halpern, L. ; Woolf, M. ; Winnik, H. Z. ; Mann, J. ; Zellermayer, J. ;
$17.19 AR 1708 019 Remove
College Yiddish: An Introduction to the Yiddish Language and to Jewish Life
    Weinreich, Uriel / Jakobson, Roman [Preface] / Bahat, S. [Tr.] / Goldw
$43.75 AR 2150 003 Remove
Sub total: $437.50

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