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ערכי האגדה וההלכה לאור מקורות יווניים ולאטיניים: כרך רביעי [כרך זה בלבד]
    הלוי, א. א.
$23.44 AR 2292 016 Remove
Anthology of Modern Jewish Poetry
    Raskin, Philip M.
$45 AR 2294 016 Remove
Saadya Gaon: The Book of Doctorines and Beliefs: Abridged Edition
$25 AR 2289 014 Remove
הד`ימים - בני חסות: יהודים ונוצרים בצל האסלאם
    בת יאור / אמיר, אהרן [תרגום]
$29.69 SH 010 224 Remove
Fascinating Torah Prophecies: Currently Unfolding
    Rabbi Novick, Nisan Aryeh
$35 AR 2289 011 Remove
    Tobi, Yosef [Editor]
$20.31 AR 2308 010 Remove
Histoire de la Piraterie
    Gosse, Philip / Teillac, P. [TRANSLATION]
$30 AR 2289 003 Remove
    Buber, Martin
$25 AR 2289 013 Remove
sarah LEBEDVEKA [English & Russian]
$45 AR 2299 001 Remove
Infrequent Frequencies Rare Resonance: Untraveled Paths Through Natural, Pr
    Poole, G. E.
$25 AR 2288 006 Remove
Der Ewige Jude
    Vermeylen, August / Kippenberg, Anton [TRANSLATION]
$35 AR 2291 008 Remove
Studies in Islamic Law and Society: The Reinstatement of Islamic Law in Sud
    Layish, Aharon / Warburg, Gabriel R.
$220 MC 07 10 Remove
Sub total: $558.44

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