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Books in your Shopping Cart
Price Index Number Actions
The Controversy Over the Historicity of the Bible [IN HEBREW]
    Levine, Lee I. / Mazar Amihai [Editors]
$20.31 AR 2158 004 Remove
Jerusalem: In Pilgrims and Travellers` Accounts: A Thematic Bibliography of
    Schur, Nathan
$45 AR 2211 007 Remove
Enforcing International Human Rights in Domestic Courts
    Conforti, Benedetto [Ed.]; Francioni, Francesco [Ed.]
$420 MC 10 02 Remove
Victory Over the Sun: Russian Avant-Garde and Beyond
    Sirakovich, Tanya [Ed.]
$29.69 AR 1387 011 Remove
Brook Evans
    Glaspell, Susan
$20 AR 1171 016 Remove
Ancient Glass in the Israel Museum Beads and Other Small Objects
    Spaer, Maud
$210 AR 2267 008 Remove
Die Entwicklung der Himmelsgottin Nut zu einer Totengottheit
    Rusch, Adolf
$20 AR 1833 016 Remove
Yael Speaking: Castelo de Vide: The Jewish and the Inquisition
    Tolmei, Yael Bar (Ana Bela Santos)
$30 AR 2106 011 Remove
Sub total: $795.00

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