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Price Index Number Actions
The Jewish Underground Press in Warsaw: Volume IV: November 1941 - February
    Kermish, Joseph [Ed.] / Bialostocki, Yisrael [Co-editor]
$20.31 AR 1822 008 Remove
Rural Planning in Developing Countries: Report on the Second Rehovoth Confe
    Weitz, Raanan
$30 AR 781 004 Remove
Lone Wolf: A Biography of Vladimir (Ze`ev) Jabotinsky - Volume One [THIS VO
    Katz, Shmuel
$45 AR 2158 006 Remove
Halakha and Medicine: A Symposium [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION] [VO
    Hershler, Moshe [Ed.]
$29.69 AR 072 023 Remove
Magenza: Die Geschichte des Judischen Mainz: Festschrift zur Einweihung des
    Dorrlamm, Rolf
$25 AR 2277 024 Remove
Miechov Memorial Book: Charshnitza and Kshoynge [IN HEBREW AND YIDDISH].
    Blumental, Nachman ; Ben-Azar (Broshy), Aviva [Eds.]
$50 AR 1025 009 Remove
Rabbi Meir Kahane: His Life and Thought: Volume One: 1932-1975 [VOL. 1 ONLY
    Kahane, Libby
$35 AR 2067 014 Remove
The Targum to Job From Qumran Cave XI [SIGNED]
    Sokoloff, Michael
$65 AR 2271 018 Remove
Compendio di Meccanica Razionale - Seconda Edizione Riveduta [TWO VOLUME SE
    Levi-Civita, Tullio; Amaldi, Ugo
$65 AR 774 010 Remove
Maimonidean Studies [VOL.1 ONLY]
    Hyman, Arthur [EDIT]
$65 AR 2118 012 Remove
Sub total: $430.00

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