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Books in your Shopping Cart
Price Index Number Actions
Our Jerusalem: An American Family In the Holy City 1881 - 1949
    Vester, Bertha Spafford
$65 AR 2268 010 Remove
Analytical Mechanics: Lectures by Giulio Racah [SIGNED BY ISRAEL GRINFELD][
    Grinfeld, Israel; Treves, Yoram
$20.31 AR 2016 011 Remove
Onkel Doktor erzahlt Marchen [erzählt Märchen].
    Mosbacher, E. [Eduard] / Hartogh, R. Fr. [Rudolf Franz] [Illustr.]
$30 AR 1471 019 Remove
Re-Biographing and Deviance: Psychotherapeutic Narrativism and the Midrash
    Rotenberg, Mordechai
$75 AR 2164 002 Remove
Studies in Bible and Feminist Criticism
    Frymer-Kensky, Tikva
$22 AR 1724 005 Remove
Connectez-vous à la Terre: Peut-etre la decouverte la plus importante
    Ober, Clinton; Sinatra, Stephen T. ; Zucker, Martin
$20 AR 840 016 Remove
El Violinista de Auschwitz: Poema
    Moshé Liba
$17.19 H 014 458 Remove
A Trilogy about Plato and Aristole [IN HEBREW]
    Al-Farabi, Abu Nasr / Shiffman, Yair [Tr`]
$29.69 SH 068 296 Remove
Al-Farabi: Selected Political Writings [IN HEBREW]
    Al-Farabi / Shiffman, Yair [TRANSLATION]
$23.44 AR 2140 010 Remove
On Pseudo-Corrections in Some Semitic Languages
    Blau, Joshua
$30 AR 2156 003 Remove
Sub total: $332.63

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