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Price Index Number Actions
The Jericho Scrolls: A Historical Novel: 1,900-Years-Old Diary of Jewish Hi
    Ruppin, Rafael
$45 AR 2269 004 Remove
Lithuanian Jewry - Volume III [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
    חסמן, רפאל ; ליפץ, דב ; קפלן, ישראל ; רובינשטיין, ראובן [ער`]
$37.50 AR 262 003 Remove
The Archetype of the Pioneer in Israeli Art [IN HEBREW]
    Ofrat, Gideon [Curator] / Navon, Ofira [Intro.]
$15.00 H 018 245 Remove
Hebrew / Hebraique Theatre [IN HEBREW].
    Merom, Peter
$14.06 AR 1900 002 Remove
Chapters in the History of the Jewish Community in Jerusalem [IN HEBREW] [T
    Ben Porat, Yehuda ; Yehosha, Ben Zion ; Kedar, Aharon [EDIT]
$23.44 E 48 153 Remove
Argentiner Iwo Shriftn (Ensayos) [VOLUMES 2-4 ONLY] [IN YIDDISH].
    ביזבערג, פנחס [ביזברג]; גרוזמאן, י. ל. [גרוזמן]; זאקין, מ. [זקין]; ראז
$45 AR 1234 006 Remove
Month : 29 drawings [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
    Ulman, Micha / Omer, Mordechai [Curator] / Raz, Daphna ; Flantz, Richa
$14.06 H 012 312 Remove
Modern History of China
    Tikhvinsky, S. L. [Ed.] / Schneierson, Vic [Trans.]
$35 AR 167 007 Remove
Scrolls from Qumran Cave I: The Great Isaiah Scroll; The Order of the Commu
    Trever, John C. [Photo.]
$22 AR 1771 001 Remove
Flaubert: Oeuvres II [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
    Flaubert, Gustave / Thibaudet, A. ; Dumesnil, R. [NOTES]
$20 AR 2201 003 Remove
Sub total: $271.06

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