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Price Index Number Actions
Negermärchen aus Imanas Landen [Negermaerchen]
    Gelber, Adolf / Leskoschek, Axel [Illustr.]
$25 AR 833 013 Remove
Manuel de Gymnastique Suedoise: A L`Usage des Ecoles Primaires
    Liedbek, C. H. / Dr. Jentzer ; Beronius, Stina [TRANSLATION]
$48 AR 2197 005 Remove
Autumn 1939 - Yamim Noraim: Memorial Book for East European Jews who Lived
    Rebhun, Ze`ev [Zeev]
$37.50 AR 332 019 Remove
Eretz-Israel: Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies - Volume
    Biran, Avraham ; Ben-Tor, Amnon ; Foerster, Gideon ; Malamat, Abraham
$23.44 AR 1977 013 Remove
The Language of The Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction
    Le Guin, Ursula K. / Wood, Susan[Edit`]
$30 AR 2139 019 Remove
New Homeland: Immigration and Absorption of Central European Jews 1933-1948
    Gelber, Yoav
$20.31 SH 001 281 Remove
Psychology in the Light of Psychic Phenomena
    Carrington, Hereward
$30 AR 1980 019 Remove
Bulugh Al-arab fi Ma`rifat Ahwal al-Arab, [vol, 1]
    Al-allusi / al-Baghdadi, Mahmud Shukri
$45 AR 2122 007 Remove
Gibeath Saul: Being a Commentary in Hebrew on the Poems of R. Juda Ha-Levi
    Joseph, Saul
$75.00 E 043 089 Remove
Sub total: $334.25

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