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Price Index Number Actions
Sha`are Orah: Gates of Light
    Rabbi Joseph, the son of Abraham Gikatilla / Weinstein, Avi [TRANSLATI
$45 AR 2273 016 Remove
Rejoice O Youth!: An Integrated Jewish Ideology
    Miller, Avigdor
$35 AR 2152 007 Remove
The Explusion of The Jews From Spain [IN HEBREW]
    Beinart, Haim
$100.00 AR 2140 008 Remove
Grandeur and Glory - Hod Vehadar: Remnants of Jewish Art in Galicia - Vol.
    Wunder, Meir ; Lukin, Benjamin ; Khaimovich, Boris [Ed.]
$30 AR 718 015 Remove
From Paramenides to Contemporary Thinkers: Readings in Ontology [TWO VOLUME
    Bar-On, Abraham Zvie
$29.69 AR 2126 014 Remove
Sub total: $239.69

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