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Books in your Shopping Cart
Price Index Number Actions
The Scroll of The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness [IN
    Yadin, Yigael [Ed`, Introduction, emendations and a commentary]
$37.50 AR 2306 004 Remove
The 39 MELOCHOS [IV Volumes][English & Hebrew]
    Ribiat ,Rabbi Dovid
$120 AR 2298 002 Remove
The Homeric Odyssey: The Mary Flexner Lectures Delivered at Bryn Mawr Colle
    Page, Denys
$25 AR 2292 013 Remove
Lithuanian Jewry: Its History in Pictures [IN HEBREW]
    чожеп, й. г.
$43.75 AR 2297 016 Remove
    Plato / Burnet, Ioannes [ANNOTATION]
$180 AR 2295 002 Remove
The Hebrew Amulet: Biblical-Medical-General [IN HEBREW] [SIGNED]
    Prof. Davis, Eli ; Dr. Frenkel, David A.
$109.38 AR 2300 015 Remove
Das Märchen von dem Fischer un Syner Fru [und Seiner Frau] [NUMBERED C
    Würtenberger, Ernst [Ill.]
$180 MC 01 21 Remove
Trauma and the Soul : A psycho - spiritual approach to human development an
    Kalsched, Donald
$45 AR 2294 018 Remove
Maimonides: The Guide of The Perplexed: An Abridged Edition with Introducti
    Maimonides / Guttman, Julius [INTRODUCTION, COMMENTARY] / Rabin, Chaim
$25 AR 2289 015 Remove
Anakreons Auserlesene Oden, und die Zwey Noch Übrigen Oden der Sappho
    Sappho / Ramler, Karl Wilhelm [Tr., Notes]
$120 MC 03 35 Remove
The Divine Warrior in Early Israel
    Miller, Patrick D.
$30 AR 2303 013 Remove
Where There Are No Men: The Struggle of the `Zo Artzeinu` Movement Against
    Feiglin, Moshe
$25 AR 2289 008 Remove
The Gulf of Aqaba: Ecological Micropaleontology
    Reiss, Zeev ; Hottinger, Lukas
$95 AR 2288 016 Remove
Introduction to Deuteronomy: Part I and Further Chapters [IN HEBREW]
    Rofe, Aledander
$29.69 AR 2292 017 Remove
Some Principal Muslim Religious Buildings in Israel [IN HEBREW, ARABIC AND
    Mayer, L. A.
$60 AR 2301 003 Remove
Men and Idea: A Jewish Miscellany: Selected Writings: 1935 - 1980 [IN ENGLI
    Carlebach, Alexander
$25 AR 2288 001 Remove
Sub total: $1150.32

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