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Price Index Number Actions
    Stein, Leonard
$25 AR 2290 013 Remove
River of Sparkling Light: Spiritual Hebrew Poetry in Yemen as Derived from
    Dr. Maswary-Caspi, Mishael
$23.44 AR 2307 011 Remove
    Nelson, George [Ed.]
$170 MC 16 15 Remove
The Intertwined Worlds of Islam: Essays in Memory of Hava Lazarus-Yafeh [IN
    Ilan, Nahem [EDIT]
$37.50 AR 2303 009 Remove
My Sister the Bride: Stories [SIGNED]
    Shamosh, Amnon / Levi, Judy [TRANSLATION] / Lotan, Yael [EDIT]
$25 AR 2292 002 Remove
`Awake, My People`: Hebrew Literature in The Age of Modernization [IN HEBRE
    Werses, Shmuel
$23.44 AR 2301 013 Remove
The Mermelstein Letters: 1939 - 1947
    Ben-Ami, Neomi Klein [EDIT] / Kanocz, Steven ; Kanocz, Gilah [TRANSLAT
$35 AR 2289 021 Remove
The Odyssey Re-Formed
    Ahl, Frederick ; Roisman, Hanna M.
$35 AR 2293 011 Remove
The Third wall of Jerusalem : An Account of Excavation
    Sukenik, E. L. / Mayer , L. A.
$20 AR 2299 005 Remove
Lacan and Theological Discourse
    Wyschogrod, Edith ; Crownfield, David ; Raschke, Carl A. [EDIT] / Fish
$45 AR 2301 011 Remove
Wohnungsbau / The Dwelling / L`habitat [IN ENGLISH, GERMAN AND FRENCH]
    Deilmann, Harald ; Kirschenmann, Jorg C. ; Pfeiffer, Herbert / Palmes,
$25 AR 2300 009 Remove
The Story of Reb Elchonon
    Rabbi Finkelman, Shimon / Dershowitz, Yosef [ILLUSTRATIONS]
$30 AR 2291 014 Remove
The Israeli Intelligence Community: An Insider`s View
    Lapid, Ephraim / Halevy, Efraim ; Kuperwasser, Yossi [FOREWORD]
$28 AR 2291 007 Remove
Herzl Year Book: Essays in Zionist History and Thought: Volume V: Studies i
    Patai, Raphael [EDIT]
$30 AR 2288 004 Remove
The War of the Axe, 1847: Correspondence between the governor of the Cape C
    Le Cordeur, Basile and Saunders, Christopher
$95 AR 2299 007 Remove
Jerusalem Bridging the Four Walls : A geopolitical perspectiv
    Cohen, Saul B.
$20 AR 2294 012 Remove
L`Opera Storiografica di Filone da Byblos
    Troiani, Lucio
$65 AR 2297 004 Remove
Kindheit im Exil
    Levin, Shmarya
$25 AR 2289 004 Remove
contemporary East European Ceramics : an exhibition of 74 artists from the
    Clark, Jimmy [curated]
$20 AR 2990 Remove
Sub total: $777.38

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