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Map of Haifa - West (22) [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
    Olami, Ya`aqov ; Ronen, Avraham ; Romano, Amit
$23.44 AR 2304 005 Remove
Tomas Taveira: Architectural Works and Designs
    Taveira, Tomas / Broadbent, Geoffrey [INTRODUCTION]
$45 AR 2287 014 Remove
23 Israel Artists
    C. Seitz, William
$14.06 SH 087 261 Remove
Ceramics Biennale: Beer-Sheva 1993 [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
    Dr. Finkelstein, Haim
$23.44 AR 2304 016 Remove
Berl: The Biography of a Socialist Zionist: Berl Katznelson 1887-1944
    Shapira, Anita / Galai, Haya [TRANSLATION]
$45 AR 2293 006 Remove
The Genizah Fragments: "Ginzei Jerusalem": The Teaching of Ga`oni
    Rabbi Wertheimer, Solomon Aaron [EXPLANATIONS, ANNOTATIONS, SOURCES, R
$50.00 AR 2305 017 Remove
Sub total: $200.94

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