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Tierbilder aus vier Jahrtausenden
$20 V 1123 55 Remove
Ern. Frid. Car. Rosenmülleri Scholia in Vetus Testamentum - Partis Qui
    Rosenmüller, Ern. Frid. Car. [Ernst Friedrich Karl / Rosenmü
$45 AR 1475 012 Remove
The Five Biblical Scrolls in a Sixteenth-Century [16th-century] Jewish Tran
    Altbauer, Moshe [Intr. & Notes]; Taube, Moshe [Concordance Compiler]
$62.50 SA 088 Remove
Ephemerides Universelles ou Tableau Religieux, Politique, Litteraire, Scien
    Vitry, Aubert De ; Boisseau; Saint-Vincent, Bory De; Chatelain et al.
$320 AR 320 001 Remove
Natural Dance Studies
    Smith, Helen Norman
$20 V 1128 25 Remove
Jüdisches Volksblatt - Dritter Jahrgang [Compilation of all 1855-56 is
    Philippson, Ludwig [Hrsg.]
$60 AR 300 008 Remove
Sub total: $527.50

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