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Photography, Cinema & Animation

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 446) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Biographies: Six Solo Exhibitions at Hagar Art Gallery, Jaffa [IN HEBREW, ENGLISH AND ARABIC]
Ben Zvi, Tal [EDITOR, CURATOR] 2006 Hagar Association $45.00 More Details
Kamien-Kazhdan, Adina [CURATOR] / Adi, Einat [EDIT, TRANSLATION] 2020 The Israel Museum $29.69 More Details
    Children of Israel
Gold, Alethea ; Zordan, Luca 2013 Gefen $30.00 More Details
  Momente der Stille: Neuseelands Landschaften [COMES IN A CARTON BOX]
Waldenmaier, Jens 2005 NZ Visitor Publications $25.00 More Details
  The Early Years: Israel in the 1950s: A Photo Album [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Roman, Yadin / Gleit, Heidi J. ; Kugler, Asaf [TRANSLATION] 2016 ERETZ Magazine $30.00 More Details
  1948: Israel The First Year: A Photo Album [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Roman, Yadin / Gleit, Heidi J. [TRANSLATION] 2014 ERETZ Magazine $30.00 More Details
  Reflexions d`un Cineaste
Einstein, Serge / Galinskaia, Lucia ; Cathala, Jean [TRANSLATION] 1958 Editions en Langues Etrangeres $9.38 More Details
  Lessons in Cinema [IN HEBREW]
Utin, Pablo 2017 Asia $20.31 More Details
  Situation Berlin: Fotografien: Photographs 1953-1960 [IN GERMAN AND ENGLISH]
Domrose, Ulrich 2001 Nicolai / Berlinische Galerie $30.00 More Details
  Djenne-Ferey: La Terre Habitee
Shamir, Marli [PHOTOGRAPHS] / Kounta, Albakaye Ousmane [POEMS] 2007 Grandvaux $45.00 More Details
  Wilfried Skreiner: Texte Fotos Reaktionen: Eine Hommage
Skreiner, Wilfried 1995 Droschl $20.00 More Details
  The Land of Sinai [IN HEBREW]
Inbar, Reuben 1977 Natib Hasefer $23.44 More Details
Shalev-Gerz, Esther / Fagerstedt, Elisabeth [CURATOR] 2006 The Multicultural Centre $30.00 More Details
  Holy Land Scenes 1906: The Imberger Album of Colored Photos - Then and Now [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW]
Amir, Yoel 2006 Yad Ben Zvi Press $29.69 More Details
  Erich Lessing: Fifty Years Of Photography
Lessing, Erich 1995 AGens-werk $30.00 More Details
  Imilchil: The Moussem of the Fiances / Imilchil: Le Moussem Des fiances [IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH]
Sefrioui, Ahmed Royal Air Maroc $45.00 More Details
  The Beautiful People Of The Book: A Tribute to Ethiopian Jews in Israel
Berman, Colette ; Miller, Yosef 1988 Millhouse Publishers $25.00 More Details
Vernet, Daniel ; Gadina, Pierre Paroles de Vie $30.00 More Details
Stalin`s Forgotten Zion: Birobidzhan and the Making of a Soviet Jewish Homeland - an Illustrated History, 1928-1996
Weinberg, Robert \ Gitelman, Zvi [Intro.] \ Berman, Bradley [Photo.] 1998 University of California Press $25.00 More Details
A Vanished World
Vishniac, Roman \ Wiesel, Elie [Foreword] 1986 Penguin Books $25.00 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 446) 

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