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Dead Sea Scrolls

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 72) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Issues in the Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls [IN HEBREW]
Brin, Gershon 1994 Tel-Aviv University / HaKibbutz HaMeuchad $15.00 More Details
  The Targum to Job From Qumran Cave IX [SIGNED]
Sokoloff, Michael 1974 Bar-Ilan University $95.00 More Details
  Ecrit de Qumran et Sectes Juives Aux Premiers Siecles de L`Islam: Recherches Sur L`origine du Qaraisme
Paul, Andre 1969 Letouzey et Ane $65.00 More Details
  Text and Language in Bible and Qumran
Goshen-Gottstein, M.H. 1960 Orient Publishing House $35.00 More Details
  Discoveries in The Judaean Desert of Jordan[vol. v]; Qumran Cave 4 i (4Q158-4Q186)
Allegro, John. M. 1968 Clarendon Press $95.00 More Details
  The Rule Scrol, A Scroll From The Wilderness of Judaea[1QS,1QSa,1QSb]
Licht, Jacob 1965 The Bialik Institute $29.69 More Details
  Scrolls From Qumran Cave I: The Great Isaiah Scroll, The Order of the Community, The Pesher to Hbakkuk
Trever, John C. [PHOTOGRAPHER] 1972 The Albright Institute of Archeological Research / The Shrine of the Book $20.00 More Details
  Solving Riddles and Untying Knots: Biblical, Epigraphic, and Semitic Studies in Honor of Jonas C. Greenfield
Zevit, Ziony ; Gitin, Seymour ; Sokoloff, Michael [EDIT] 1995 Eisenbrauns $45.00 More Details
  A Day at Qumran: The Dead Sea Sect and Its Scrolls [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Roitman, Adolfo [Ed.] 1997 The Israel Museum $20.31 More Details
  Qumran: Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer - Eine Ausstellung von Schriftrollen und Archaologischen Fundgegeben - Standen aus Sammlungen der Israelischen Antiquitatenbehorde
Sussmann, Ayala ; Peled, Ruth 1999 Stiftsbliothek St. Gallen / Israelischen Antiquitatenbehorde $20.00 More Details
  The Dead Sea Scrolls: Forty Years of Research
Dimant, Devorah; Rappaport, Uriel [Ed.] 1992 E. J. Brill / The Magness Press, The Hebrew University / Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $35.00 More Details
Grözinger, Karl Erich; Ilg, Norbert; Lichtenberger, Hermann; Nebe, Gerhard-Wilhelm; Pabst, Hartmut [Ed.] 1981 Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft $20.00 More Details
  Envisioning the Temple: Scrolls, Stones and Symbols.
Roitman, Adolfo 2003 The Israel Museum $45.00 More Details
  Scrolls from Qumran Cave I: The Great Isaiah Scroll; The Order of the Community; The Pesher to Habakkuk [FACSIMILE] [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION].
Trever, John C. [Photo.] 1974 The Albright Institute of Archaeological Research / The Shrine of the Book $22.00 More Details
  From Qumran to the Yahad: A New Paradigm of Textual Development for the Community Rule.
Schofield, Alison 2009 Brill $120.00 More Details
  The Bible in the Shrine of the Book: From the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Aleppo Codex
Roitman, Adolfo 2006 The Israel Museum $20.00 More Details
Sha`arei Talmon: Studies in the Bible, Qumran, and the Ancient Near East Presented to Shemaryahu Talmon [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW]
Fishbane, Michael ; Tov, Emanuel ; Fields, Weston W. [Eds.] 1992 Eisenbrauns $35.00 More Details
  Out of the Cave: A Philosophical Inquiry into the Dead Sea Scrolls Research
Ullmann-Margalit, Edna 2006 Harvard University Press $20.00 More Details
  The Offical Catalogue of "The Tokyo Great Bible Exhibition": The Dead Sea Scrolls and the World of the Bible
2000 Ashai Shimbun $55.00 More Details
  The Spiritual History of the Dead Sea Sect
Flusser, David 1989 MOD $25.00 More Details

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