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Design & Handcrafts

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 242) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Sequences ; Identities: Israeli Jewelry 5 [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Barkai, Sigal [CURATOR] 2010 Eretz Israel Museum $26.56 More Details
    A Song in Metal: Folk Art of Uzbekistan [IN RUSSIAN]
Abdullayev, T. ; Fakhretdinova, D. ; Khakimov, A. 1986 Gafur Gulyam Art and Literature Publishers $35.00 More Details
    The State of Things: Design and The 21st Century [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Bloemink, Barabara J. [CURATOR] / Dvash, Maya [EDIT] / Halkin, Talya [TRANSLATION] 2010 Design Museum $29.69 More Details
  Alfares Y Alfareros de Espana
Guerrero Martin, Jose / Belver, Jordi [PHOTOGRAPHS] 1988 Ediciones del Serbal $45.00 More Details
  Art Nouveau and Art Deco Bookbinding: The French Masterpieces: 1880-1940
de Bartha, Georges ; Duncan, Alastair / Juvelis, Priscilla [PREFACE] 1989 Thames and Hudson $45.00 More Details
  Jewish Folk Art Over The Ages: A Collector`s Choice - With 154 Original Illustrations, 22 In Colour
Davis, Eli ; Davis Elise / Caine, Moshe [Photo.] 1977 Rubin Mass $35.00 More Details
  D&A: Design and Architecture - The Architectural Language of Pitsou Kedem Architects
Urian, Giora 2010 Mitchamey Itzuv Veadrichalut Ltd $75.00 More Details
  Forever Brilliant: The Aurora Collection of Colored Diamonds
Bronstein, Alan ; Hofer, Stephen 2000 Ashland Press $25.00 More Details
  How to Build Modern Furniture [Both volumes]
Del Fabbro, Mario 1951, 1952 F.W Dodge Corporation $55.00 More Details
  Contemporary Lighting: Selected [rojects From the Second Phillips International Lighting Contest
Manders, J.J.A [Chairman] 1961 Centrex $35.00 More Details
  Sephardi Jews in The Ottoman Empire: Aspects of Material Culture
Juhasz, Esther [Ed.] / Gonen, Rivka [Curator] 1990 The Israel Museum $40.00 More Details
Nelson, George [Ed.] 1954 Whitney Publications $170.00 More Details
New Furniture 2; Neue Möbel 2; Meubles Nouveaux 2 [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Hatje, Gerd [Ed.] 1953 George Wittenborn $180.00 More Details
  Fine Ceramics: Technology and Applications
Norton, F. H. 1970 McGraw-Hill Book Company $30.00 More Details
  John Piper: Paintings, Drawings & Theatre Designs 1932-1954
Piper, John / Woods, S. John [Ed.] 1955 Curt Valentin $120.00 More Details
  I Peci Non Portano Fucili / Fish Cannot Carry Guns
Pirri, Alfredo / Carpi De Resmini, Benedetta ; Pratesi, Ludovico [Ed.] 2017 Quodlibet $35.00 More Details
  Exposed Concrete Finishes: Volume One - Finishes to In-Situ Concrete.
Glichrist Wilson, J. 1962 C.R. Books Limited $25.00 More Details
  Eero Saarinen On His Work: A selection of buildings dating from 1947 to 1964 with statements by the architect
B. Saarinen, Aline [Ed.] 1962 Yale University Press $40.00 More Details
  Dan Reisinger [Danlei Singh]: World Graphic Design Masters - Chinese Edition [SIGNED BY DAN REISINGER]
Reisinger, Dan 2002 $95.00 More Details
  Jewish Art on Lamps: In the Time of the Mishna [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Sussman, Varda 1970 The Israel Museum $29.69 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 242) 

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