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Jewish Philosophy

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 726) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Der Stern der Erlosung [THREE VOLUMES BOUND AS ONE. Vol. 1: Die Elemente oder Die Immerwahrende Vorwelt. Vol. 2: Die Bahn oder Die Allzeiterneuerte Welt. Vol. 3: Die Gestalt oder Die Ewige Uberwelt.]
Rosenzweig, Franz 1930 J. Kauffmann $180.00 More Details
    The Life of The Stateman That Is On Joseph [IN HEBREW]
Philo Judaeus / Cohen, Naomi G. [TRANSLATION, COMMENTARY, INTRODUCTION] 1965 Kiryath Sepher $23.44 More Details
    Roeh Haorot: The Prophet of Light: The Song of Mankind, The Song of Repentance In The Writings of Rabbi A. I. Kook [IN HEBREW]
Prof. Lifshitz, Haim 1978 Hareiya Institute For Research in the Teachings of R. Abraham Isaac Kook / The Harry Fischel Institute for Research in Jewish Law $37.50 More Details
  Studies in Maimonides and His Interpreters [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW]
Shapiro, Marc B. 2008 University of Scranton Press $30.00 More Details
  Jerusalem ou Pouvoir Religieux et Judaisme
Mendelssohn, Moses / Bourel, Diminique [TRANSLATION, ANNOTATION] / Levinas, Emmanuel [INTRODUCTION] 1982 Les Press D`aujourd`hui $95.00 More Details
  Early Jewish Magic: Research | Method | Sources [IN HEBREW]
Harari, Yuval 2010 Bialik Institute / Ben-Zvi Institute $37.50 More Details
  Introduction a la Pensee Juive du Moyen Age
Vajda, Georges 1947 Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin $30.00 More Details
  Hermann Cohen Und Die Zunkuft Jisrael
Goldstein, Walter / Buber, Marin [INTRODUCTION] 1963 Rubin Mass $25.00 More Details
  For Everything a Time: A Journey Through The Year
Eisenman, Ron Yitzchok 2013 Mosaic Press $120.00 More Details
  Spinoza: L`experience et L`eternite
Moreau, Pierre-Francois 1994 Presses Universitaires de France $45.00 More Details
Neher, Andre 1975 Libraire Adrien Maisonneuve $60.00 More Details
  Yoseph Shlomo Delmedigo (Yashar of Candia): His Life, Works and Times
Barzilay, Isaac 1974 E. J. Brill $150.00 More Details
  Aus Drei Jahrtausenden: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen und Abhandlungen Zur Geschichte Des Judischen Glaubens; mit einer einfuhrung von Hans Liebeschutz
Baeck, Leo 1958 J.C.B. Mohr(Paul Siebeck) $30.00 More Details
  The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy
Frank, H. D. \ Leaman, Oliver 2003 Cambridge University Press $35.00 More Details
  Rational Rabbis [Science and Talmudic Culture]
Fisch, Menachem 1997 Indiana University Press $35.00 More Details
  Papers of The Institute of Jewish Studies London[vol. I]
Weiss, J.G. 1964 Magnes Press \ The Hebrew University $35.00 More Details
  Crescas` Sermon on The Passover and Studies in His Philosophy
Ravitzky, Aviezer 1988 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $29.69 More Details
  Die Vorstellung Vom Heiligen Geist in Der Rabbinischen Literatur
Schafer, Peter 1972 Kosel $45.00 More Details
  Pillars of Jewish Thought [THIRD VOLUME ONLY. VOLUME III: The Philosophic Teachings of Rabbi Hasdai Crescas] [SIGNED] [IN HEBREW]
Bunem Urbach, Symcha 1961 Word Zionist Organization $56.25 More Details
  The Social and Political Ideas of Maimonides
Shwarz, Zvi 1988 Rubin Mass $65.00 More Details

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