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French History

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 149) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Histoire du Roi Henri-le-Grand
Hardouin de Beaumont de Péréfixe 1821 De L`Imprimerie D`Auguste Delalain $35.00 More Details
  Les Juifs et la Convocation des Etats Generaux (1789)
Liber, Maurice / Kohn, Roger [BIBLIOGRAPHY, INDEX] / Nahon, Gerard [INTRODUCTION] 1989 E. Peeters $55.00 More Details
  L`Affaire [IN HEBREW]
Bredin, Jean Denis 1992 Am Oved $17.19 More Details
  Le francais au Levant, Jadis et Naguere: A la Recherche d`une Langue Perdue.
Aslanov, Cyril 2006 Honore Champion Editeur $48.00 More Details
  Women`s Identities at War: Gender, Motherhood, and Politics in Britain and France During the First World War
Grayzel, Susan R. 1999 The University of North Carolina Press $25.00 More Details
  The Myth of the Savage: And the Beginnings of French Colonialism in the Americas
Dickason, Olive Patricia 1984 The University of Alberta Press $45.00 More Details
  Chateaubriand: Œuvres romanesques et voyage: Volume I [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Regard, Maurice [Established, prepared, annotated] 1969 Gallimard $20.00 More Details
  [French] De L`uruguay au Rio Sao Francisco
Walle, Paul Librairie Orientale & Americanie $60.00 More Details
  The Early Sages of France: Their Lives, Leadership and Works [IN HEBREW]
Grossman, Avraham 1995 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $29.69 More Details
  Anti-Semitism in the French Labor Movement: From the Fourierist Movement until the Closing of the Dreyfus Case - 1845-1906 [IN YIDDISH WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION]
Szajkowski, Z. 1948 Self-published $35.00 More Details
  L`Avenement de Bonaparte: I - La Genese du Consulat Brumaire, La Constitution de l`An VIII [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Vandal, Albert 1903 Librairie Plon $30.00 More Details
  Napoleon Et Alexandre Ier: L`Alliance Russe Sous Le Premier Empire [TWO VOLUME SET]
Vandal, Albert 1893 Librairie Plon $60.00 More Details
  La Chanson de la Croisade Albigeoise: Tome I - La Chanson de Guillaume de Tudele [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Martin-Chabot, Eugene [Ed. / Trans.] 1931 Librairie Ancienne Honore Champion, Editeur $25.00 More Details
  Huguenots and Jews [IN HEBREW].
Yardeni, Myriam 1998 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History / The Vidal Sasoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism $15.00 More Details
Neave, Christiane 1969 Privately published $25.00 More Details
  From Ambivalence to a Tacit Alliance: Israel, France and French Jewry 1947-1957 [IN HEBREW]
Pinkus, Benjamin 2005 The Ben-Gurion Research Center for the Study of Israel and Zionism / Ben-Gurion University of the Negev $20.31 More Details
  La Vie Des Monuments Francais: Destruction Restauration
Leon, Paul 1951 Editions A. Et. J. Picard Et Cie $75.00 More Details
  Kleber en Egypte: 1798-1800 - II: Kleber et Bonaparte: 1798-1799 [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Laurens, Henry [Ed.] 1988 Institut Francais d`Archeologie Orientale $20.00 More Details
  Tableau Historique Et Pittoresque De Paris, Depuis Les Gaulois Jusqu`a Nos Jours [EIGHT VOLUME SET]
De Saint-Victor, Jacques Bins 1822 Librairie de Charles Gosselin $180.00 More Details
  Nouvelle Histoire de Paris [INCOMPLETE SET - VOLUMES II-VI]
Boussard, Jacques; Cazelles, Raymond; Favier, Jean; Babelon, Jean-Pierre; Pillorget, Rene 1972-1988 Hachette / Association Pour la Publication d`Une Histoire de Paris $240.00 More Details

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