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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 1638) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    The Canmores: Kings & Queens of the Scots 1040-1290
Oram, Richard 2002 Tempus $20.00 More Details
    Zev Vilnay`s Jubilee Volume: Essays on the History, Archaeology and Lore of the Holy Land, Presented to Zev Vilnay [TWO VOLUMES SET] [IN HEBREW]
Schiller, Ely [EDIT] 1984 Ariel $37.50 More Details
    A History of The Roman Empire [IN HEBREW]
Amit, Moshe 2003 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $37.50 More Details
    Engineer-king: David Ben-Gurion, science and nation building [IN HEBREW]
Barell, Ari 2014 The Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Isarel and Zionism - BGU $15.00 More Details
    New-Christians in Portugal in the 20th century
Schwarz, Samuel / Stuczynski, Claude B. [Translation] 2005 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History / The Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History $17.19 More Details
    History of the Armenians in the Holy Land
Hintlian, Kevork 1976 St. James Press $240.00 More Details
    The Thai Resistance Movement During the Second World War
Haseman, John B. 1978 Chalermnit Press $20.00 More Details
    Jewish Sites in Egypt [IN HEBREW]
Meital, Yoram 1995 Ben-Zvi Institute For The Study Of Jewish Communities In The East\ Center For Integration Of The Oriental Jewish Heritage $20.31 More Details
    Jews of the Diamond City / Joden in de Diamantstad - Amsterdam: Heritage of 400 years
Edelman, Simona [Ed.] / Segel, Michal [Translation, Eng.] / Almor, Ya`akov [Translation, Dutch] 1988 H. Oppenheimer Diamond Museum $15.00 More Details
    British Trojan horse in the Israeli War of Liberation: 1947-1948 [IN HEBREW]
Nishry, Ezra 2019 Steimatzky $20.31 More Details
    Joseph Lebdi Prominent India Trader: Cairo Geniza Documents [IN HEBREW]
Goitein, S. D. ; Friedman, Mordechai Akiva 2009 Ben-Zvi Institute $37.50 More Details
  Il Yemen: Nella Storia e Nella Leggenda
Ansaldi, Cesare 1933 Sindacato Italiano Arti Grafiche $95.00 More Details
  Moses the Man - Master of Prophets: In the Light of Interpretation Throughout the Ages [IN HEBREW]
Hallamish, Moshe; Kasher, Hannah; en-Pazi, Hanokh [Eds.] 2010 Bar Ilan University $37.50 More Details
  Precis de L`Histoire D`Egypte Par Divers Historiens et Archeologues [FOUR VOLUMES SET]
Zaky El-Ibrachy, Mohamed [PREFACE] / Sammarco, Angelo 1932 - 1935 L`Institut Francais D`archelogie Orientale du Caire / Instituto Poligrafico Dello Stato Per La Reale Societa di Geografia D`Egitto $120.00 More Details
  Messianism and Eschatology - a Collection of Essays [IN HEBREW]
Baras, Zvi [Ed.] 1983 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History $20.31 More Details
  Races of Burma
Enriquez, C. M. 1997 Ava House $30.00 More Details
  Amir Temur In World History
Iriskulov, A. ; Ignatenko, V. [EDIT] 2001 Sharq $30.00 More Details
  An Ending Unlike its Beginning: Denouement of the Russian Bund [IN HEBREW]
Gelbard, Arye 1995 The Diaspora Research Institute $23.44 More Details
  La Comprehension de L`histoire (The Understanding of History) [COMES IN A CARTON BOX] [IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH]
1968 L`Academie Israelienne des Sciences et des Lettres (The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities) $30.00 More Details
  The Hebrew Republic
Sigonio, Carlo ; Wyetzner, Peter [TRANSLATION] ; Bartolucci, Guido [INTRODUCTION] 2010 Shalem Press $25.00 More Details

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