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World War I

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 65) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Deedes Bey: A Study of Sir Wyndham Deedes: 1883-1923
Presland, John 1942 Macmillan & Co. $30.00 More Details
  The Armenian Genocide & The West
Baliozian, Ara 1984 Armenian Case Committee $20.00 More Details
  Die Jüdischen Gefallenen des Deutschen Heeres, der Deutschen Marine und der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918: Ein Gedenkbuch
1932 Reichsbund Jüdischer Frontsoldaten $80.00 More Details
  Die deutschen Juden als Soldaten im Kriege 1914 - 1918: eine statistische Studie
Segall, Jacob \ Silbergleit, Heinrich [Foreword 1921 Philo-Verlag $48.00 More Details
  Das Völkerrechtliche Mandat in Historisch-Dogmatischer Darstellung
Dr. Schneider, Wolfgang 1926 Ausland und Heimat Verlags-Aktiengesellschaft $25.00 More Details
  War, Jews, and the New Europe: The diplomacy of Lucien Wolf 1914-1919
Levene, Mark 1992 Oxford University Press \ Littman Library $28.00 More Details
Hitler`s Mein Kampf [16 VOLS. OF 18 ONLY] [VOLS. 13 AND 17 MISSING]
Hitler, Adolf / Murphy, James [Trans.] 1939 Hutchinson & Co., Hurst & Blackett $480.00 More Details
  Women`s Identities at War: Gender, Motherhood, and Politics in Britain and France During the First World War
Grayzel, Susan R. 1999 The University of North Carolina Press $25.00 More Details
  Worte des Friedens: Erinnerungsblätter an die Einweihungsfeier der in der Synagoge zu Hindenburg O.-S. errichteten Gedenktafeln für die im Weltkrieg gefallenen Angehörigen der Synagogegemeinde
Kaatz, Saul 1924 Verlag der Zentrale für jüdische Wohltätigkeit $20.00 More Details
  European Jews and Jewish Europeans between the two World Wars
Cohen, Raya [Edit] 2004 The Goldstein-GOren Dispora Research Center $20.31 More Details
  The Jews of Poland Between Two World Wars
Gutman, Yisrael [Ed.] ; Mendelsohn, Ezra [Ed.] ; Reinharz, Jehuda [Ed.] ; Shmeruk, Chone [Ed.] 1989 University Press of New England $35.00 More Details
  War-time Adresses 1917-1921
Magnes, J.L 1923 Thomas Seltzer $25.00 More Details
  British Fascism: Essays on the Radical Right in Inter-War Britain
Lunn, Kenneth; Thurlow, Richard C. [Ed.] 1980 Croom Helm $20.00 More Details
  The Jews of Poland Between Two World Wars
Gutman, Yisrael; Mendelsohn, Ezra; Reinharz, Jehuda; Shmeruk, Chone [Ed.] 1989 University Press of New England $22.00 More Details
  Gender and the Great War.
Grayzel, Susan R. ; Proctor, Tammy M. [Eds.] 2017 Oxford University Press $24.00 More Details
  Shtetl Memoirs: Jewish Life in Galicia under the Austro-Hungarian Empire and in the Reborn Poland 1898-1939
Schoenfeld, Joachim / Marrus, Michael [Forword] 1985 Ktav $240.00 More Details
  The Jewish Community in Eretz-Israel during World War I (1914-1918) [IN HEBREW].
Efrati, Nathan 1991 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $1.88 More Details
  The First Nazi Town.
Hayward, N. F. ; Morris, D. S. 1988 Avebury $35.00 More Details
  With Our Army in Palestine.
Bluett, Antony 1919 Andrew Melrose $55.00 More Details
  National Capital for National Home: 1919-1921 [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION]
Metzer, Jacob 1979 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $14.06 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 65) 

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