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Yizkor Books

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 145) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Anafiem Gedoe`iem: Overleden Joodse Artsen Uit Nederland: 1940-1945
Coppenhagen, J. H / Prof.Dr. van Lieburg, M. J. [INTRODUCTION] 2000 Erasmus Publishing $45.00 More Details
  Kimpolung-Bukowina: A Memorial of the Jewish Communnity in Kimpolung and Surroundings [TWO VOLUME SET] [IN HEBREW]
Avny, S. [Ed.] 2003 The Committee of Former Residents of Kimpolung-Bukowina and Surroundings $75.00 More Details
Ehrenfeld-Elkay, Ábrahám Arthur ; Klein-Z`ira, Tibor Meir [EDIT] 1975 Egri Zsidok Emlekbizottsaga $25.00 More Details
  PINKAS HAKEHILLOT: Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities: POLAND: [VOLUME III]: Westren Galicia & Silesia
Wein, Abraham / Weiss, Aharon [EDITORS] ъщо"г, 1984 Yad Vashem, Martyrs` and Heroes` Remebrance Authority $56.25 More Details
  Mezokovesd Es Kornyeke Zsido Kozossegenek Emlekkonyve [IN HEBREW AND HUNGARIAN]
Simor (Schlesinger), Jehuda 1997 Bet-Haedut Avallasos Cionizmus Es A Veszkorszak Hagyomanyanak Terjesztesere Alakult Kozpont $37.50 More Details
  Pinkas Navaredok: Memorial Book [IN HEBREW AND YIDDISH]
Yerushalmi, Eliezer ; Cohen David ; Mirsky, Aharon ; Sarig, Moshe [Steinberg] ; Rabina, Menashe ; Jaffe, Yehoshua and others [Ed] 1963 Alexander Harkavy Navaredker Relief Committee In U.S.A \ Navaredker Committee In Israel $180.00 More Details
  Brave and Desperate: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Kfir, Ilan; Dor, Danny; Biran, Chava / Dor, Danny [Ed.] / Sheer, Anat; Ma`oz, Amichai [Trans.] 2003 Beit Lohamei Haghetaot $65.00 More Details
  Pinkas Hakehillot: Encyclopaedia [Encyclopedia] of Jewish Communities - Latvia and Estonia [IN HEBREW]
Levin, Dov [Ed.] 1988 Yad Vashem $50.00 More Details
  Holocaust and Rebirht: Bergen-Belsen 1945-1965
Bloch, Sam E. [Ed.] / Robinson, Jacob [Forward] / Rosensaft, Josef [Introduction] 1965 Bergen-Belsen Memorial Press, World Federation of Bergen-Belsen Associations $29.69 More Details
  Marbeh Hokmah: Studies in the Bible and the Ancient Near East, in Loving Memory of Victor Avigdor Hurowitz
Yona, S. ; Greenstein, E.L. ; Gruber, M.I. ; Machinist, P. ; Paul, S.M. [Ed.] 2015 Eisenbrauns $65.00 More Details
  Calendar 1906-2005: The Memorial Dates / Livre Memoire / Librro de Memoria / Gedenkbuch / Az Emlekezes Konyve
S. Szilagyi & J. Foltys $23.44 More Details
  The Encyclopedia of the Righteous Among the Nations: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust - Supplementary Volumes 2000-2005 [TWO VOLUME SET].
Gutman, Israel; Milgram, Avraham [Ed.] 2010 Yad Vashem / The Holocaust Martyrs` and Heroes` Remembrance Authority $95.00 More Details
  The Encyclopedia of the Righteous Among the Nations: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust - Europe (Part I) and Other Countries [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Gutman, Israel; Bender, Sara; Weiss, Pearl [Ed.] 2007 Yad Vashem / The Holocaust Martyrs` and Heroes` Remembrance Authority $65.00 More Details
  Studies in Bible and Exegesis: Arie Toeg In Memoriam
Simon, Uriel [Ed.] / Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe [Ed.] 1980 Bar-Ilan University Press $17.19 More Details
  Zakhor: Histoire Juive et Memoire Juive
Yerushalmi, Yosef Haim 1984 Editions La Decouverte $22.00 More Details
  Materials on the Memorial to the Mudered Jews in Europel
2005 Nicolai / The Foundation for the Memorial to the Murdered Jews in Europe $20.00 More Details
  In den Wind Werfen; Versuche um Metabarbarisches - Gedichte
Ben-David, Gershon / Huss, Abraham [Herbrew Tran.] / Bernofsky, Susan; Birkenhauer, Anne [Essays] 1995 Straelener Manuskripte $17.19 More Details
Memorial Book to the Community of Proshnitz [Yizkor-Buch / Izkor-Bukh; Przasnysz; Praschnitz] [IN HEBREW & YIDDISH. WITH INTRODUCTION IN ENGLISH].
Bachrach, Shlomo [Ed.] 1974 IsraelProshnitz Landsmanshaft in Israel $120.00 More Details
  Pinkas Hakehillot: Encyclopaedia [Encyclopedia] of Jewish Communities - Yugoslavia [IN HEBREW]
Loker, Zvi [Ed.] 1988 Yad Vashem $29.69 More Details
  The Heritage od European Jewry: 2000 Years of Jewish History [IN HEBREW]
Prager, Moshe 1977 Ganzach Kidush Hashem $23.44 More Details

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