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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 280) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Manual of Puppetry [IN HEBREW, ENGLISH AND ARABIC]
Ben-Shalom (Honso) / Tarmon, Asher ; Zaks, Morris [TRANSLATION] 1986 $23.44 More Details
  Aristophanes: The Wasp
Caspi, Ziva [Translation] / Aristophanes 2000 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $14.06 More Details
  Gardzienice: Polish Theatre in Transition
Allain, Paul 1997 Harwood Academic Publishers $30.00 More Details
  Lexicon del Teatro Judio[vol. VI]
Zylbercweig, Zalmen 1969 Elisheva $37.50 More Details
  Ueber Dramatische Kunst und Litteratur [VOL. 3 ONLY]
von Schlegel, Wilhelm 1817 Mohr und Winter $20.00 More Details
  Lexicon del Teatro Judío [VOL. VI ONLY] [IN YIDDISH]
Zylbercweig, Zalmen [EDITOR] 1969 La Union de Actores Judíos de Norteamerica $35.00 More Details
  The New Spirit in the European Theatre: 1914-1924: A Comparative Study of the Changes Effected By The War and Revolution
Carter, Huntly 1925 Ernest Benn Limited $45.00 More Details
  The Road to Jerusalem: The Odyssey of the Illegal Ship Yehuda Halevi (Le Chemin de Jerusalem: L`Odyssee du Bateau Illegal Yehuda Halevi) \ Bouzmima - Plays [IN HEBREW] [SIGNED]
Bensimon, Gabriel 1988 Marion $20.31 More Details
  Das entfesselte Theater: Aufzeichnungen eines Regisseurs
Tairoff, Alexander 1923 Potsdam : G. Keipenheuer $25.00 More Details
  Brener, Esterke, Weitzman the Second: Three Plays [IN HEBREW]
Zeitlin, Aaron / Szeintuch, Yechiel [Ed. + Preface] 1993 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $14.06 More Details
  [Polish] Pamiętnik Teatralny: Kwartalnik Poswiecony Historii I Krytyce Teatru Zalozony Przez Leona Schillera
Korzeniewski, Bohdam ; Raszewski, Zbigniew [ed] 1992 Polska Akademia nauk - Instytut Sztuki $30.00 More Details
  My Life in Art
Stanislavsky, Constantin 1945 Geoffrey Bles $20.00 More Details
  John Piper: Paintings, Drawings & Theatre Designs 1932-1954
Piper, John / Woods, S. John [Ed.] 1955 Curt Valentin $120.00 More Details
  La Cantatrice Chauve: Anti-Piece, Suivie D`une Scene Inedite - D`apres la Mise en Scene Nicolas Bataille
Ionesco, Eugene / Massin [Typographic Interpretations] / Cohen, Henry [Photography] 1964 Gallimard $25.00 More Details
  Gesher: Russian Theatre in Israel - A Study of Cultural Colonization.
Gershenson, Olga 2005 Peter Lang $20.00 More Details
  Chansons Und Satiren Aus Theresienstadt
Golden, Tania ; Waechter, Alexander 1992 Direktion des Theaters in der Josefstadt $18.00 More Details
  Creating Theatrical Dreams: A Taoist Approach to Molander`s, Bergman`s and Wilson`s Productions of Strindberg`s "A Dream Play".
Hong, Jai-Ung 2003 Stiftelsen for utgivning av teatervetenskapliga studier $30.00 More Details
  Ros Och Ris: Från Stockholms Teatrar - Andra Samlingen (Second Collection) 1914-1918.
Laurin, Carl G. (Gustav) 1918 Norstedt $45.00 More Details
  Czech Puppet Theatre in Global Contexts.
M. Billing, Christian [Ed.] ; Drábek, Pavel 2015 Masaryk University $40.00 More Details
  Théâtre Choisi I: Comédies / Théâtre Choisi II: Pièces Mythologiques [TWO VOLUME SET].
Levin, Hanokh / Sendrowicz, Laurence [Trans.] ; Carnaud, Jacqueline [Trans.] / 2001 Editions Theatrales / Maison Antoine Vitez $35.00 More Details

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