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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 280) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Changing the Subject: Marvin Carlson and Theatre Studies 1959-2009
Roach, Joseph [Ed., Intr.] 2009 The University of Michigan Press $30.00 More Details
  Theatricality and Performativity: Writings on Texture from Plato`s Cave to Urban Activism
Paavolainen, Teemu 2018 Palgrave Macmillan $95.00 More Details
  Performing Antagonism; Theatre, Performance & Radical Democracy
Fisher, Tony; Katsouraki, Eve [Ed.] 2017 Palgrave Macmillan $65.00 More Details
  The New War Plays: From Kane to Harris
Boll, Julia 2013 Palgrave Macmillan $30.00 More Details
  Performance Philosophy: Adorno and Performance.
Daddario, Will [Ed.] ; Gritzner, Karoline [Ed.] 2014 Palgrave Macmillan / The Research Network $30.00 More Details
  Performance Philosophy: Performance Studies and Negative Epistemology - Performance Apophatics.
Chambers, Claire Maria 2017 Palgrave Macmillan $35.00 More Details
  Perfomance Philosophy: Actors and the Art of Performance: Under Exposure.
Valerie, Susanne / Radosh, Laura [Trans.] ; Lagaay, Alice [Trans.] 2016 Palgrave Macmillan / Pivot / Austrian Science Fund $30.00 More Details
  Performance Philosophy: Beckett, Deleuze and Performance: A Thousand Failures and A Thousand Inventions.
Koczy, Daniel 2018 Palgrave Macmillan $45.00 More Details
  Perfomance Philosophy: The Theatre of Death - The Uncanny in Mimesis: Tadeusz Kantor, Aby Warburg and an Iconology of the Actor.
Twitchin, Mischa 2016 Palgrave Macmillan $30.00 More Details
  Theatre from Medieval Cairo: The Ibn Dāniyāl Trio
Mahfouz, Safi [Trans., Ed.] ; Carlson, Marvin [Trans., Ed.] 2013 Martin E. Segal Theatre Center $240.00 More Details
  Performance Philosophy - Choreographing Problems: Expressive Concepts in European Contemporary Dance and Performance.
Cvejić, Bojana 2015 Palgrave Macmillan / The Research Network $55.00 More Details
  Performance Philosophy: Performance and Temporalisation - Time Happens.
Grant, Stuart [Ed.] ; McNeilly, Jodie [Ed.] ; Veerapen, Maeva [Ed.] 2015 Palgrave Macmillan $40.00 More Details
  Spektakuläre Experimente: Praktiken der Evidenzproduktion im 17. Jahrhundert.
Schramm, Helmar [Ed.] ; Schwarte, Ludger [Ed.] ; Lazardzig, Jan [Ed.] 2006 Walter de Gruyter $30.00 More Details
  [German] Karneval Des Denkens
Schramm, Helmar 1996 Akademie Verlag $180.00 More Details
  The Mind-Body Stage: Passion and Interaction in the Cartesian Theater
Gobert, R. Darren 2013 Stanford University Press $30.00 More Details
  (A)Pollonia: Twenty-First-Century Polish Drama and Texts for the Stage [INCLUDES A CD]
Duniec, Krystyna ; Klass, Joanna ; Krakowska, Joanna [Ed.] / Zapatowski, Artur ; Paloff, Benjamin ; Ziemilski, Wojciech [Trans.] 2014 Seagull Books $95.00 More Details
  Four Plays from Syria: Sa`dallah Wannous - The Evening Party for the Fifth of June / The Adventure of the Mamluk Jaber`s Head / Rituals of Signs and Transformations / The Drunken Days
Carlson, Marvin ; Mahfouz, Safi [Ed.] 2014 Martin E. Segal Theatre Center $25.00 More Details
  Being Shylock: An Experiment at the Yiddish Art Theatre New York 1947
Hanak-Lettner, Werner; Dalinger, Brigitte [Ed.] 2009 Jewish Museum Vienna $20.00 More Details
  Kutiyattam Theatre: The Earliest Living Tradition
Paulose, K. G. 2006 D C Books $45.00 More Details
  Knut Stroms Scenografi och Bildvarld: Visualisering I Tid Och Rum
Von Rosen, Astrid 2010 Goteborgs Universitet $30.00 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 280) 

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