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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 780) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    Herod: The Life and Death of the King of Judea: The Intriguing Story of King Herod of Judea and Professor Ehud Netzer`s Discovery of his Monumental Palaces and Mausoleum Plus an Inside View of The Production of The Unprecedented Exhibition an The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Roman, Yadin 2013 Eretz Magazine $30.00 More Details
    Discovering The City of David: A Journey to the Source
Horovitz, Ahron / Dr. Meiron, Eyal [SCIENTIFIC EDITOR] / Guggenheimer, Michael ; Feinberg Vamosh, Miriam [TRANSLATION] 2010 Magalim $45.00 More Details
    Discovering The City of David: A Journey to the Source
Horovitz, Ahron / Dr. Meiron, Eyal [SCIENTIFIC EDITOR] / Guggenheimer, Michael ; Feinberg Vamosh, Miriam [TRANSLATION] 2010 Magalim $35.00 More Details
    Discovering The City of David: A Journey to the Source
Horovitz, Ahron / Dr. Meiron, Eyal [SCIENTIFIC EDITOR] / Guggenheimer, Michael ; Feinberg Vamosh, Miriam [TRANSLATION] 2010 Magalim $35.00 More Details
    The Ancient Synagogue of El-Hammeh (Hammath By Gadara): An Account of The Excavations Conducted of Behalf of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Sukenik, E. L. 1935 Rubin Mass $75.00 More Details
    The Archaeology of Greek Colonisation: Essays Dedicated to Sir John Boardman [SIGNED]
Tsetskhladze, Gocha R. ; De Angelis, Franco [EDIT] 1994 Oxford University Committee for Archaeology $30.00 More Details
  Debating Khirbet Qeiyafa: A Fortified City in Judah from the Time of King David
Garkinkel, Yosef ; Kreimerman, Igor ; Zilberg, Peter 2016 Israel Exploration Society / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem $95.00 More Details
  Precis de L`Histoire D`Egypte Par Divers Historiens et Archeologues [FOUR VOLUMES SET]
Zaky El-Ibrachy, Mohamed [PREFACE] / Sammarco, Angelo 1932 - 1935 L`Institut Francais D`archelogie Orientale du Caire / Instituto Poligrafico Dello Stato Per La Reale Societa di Geografia D`Egitto $120.00 More Details
  Die Inschrift des Mesha, Koniges von Moab
Dr. Hitzig, Ferdinand [TRANSLATION] 1870 J. C. B. Mohr $30.00 More Details
  Art et Archeologie des Juifs en France Medievale
Blumenkranz, Bernhard / Wittmayer Baron, Salo [PREFACE] 1980 Edouard Privat $65.00 More Details
  Sounds of Ancient Music
Goodnick Westenholz, Joan 2007 Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem $56.25 More Details
  Sabaean Inscriptions: From Mahram Bilquis (Marib)
Jamme, A. 1962 The Johns Hopkins Press $75.00 More Details
  Eretz Zafon: Studies in Galilean Archaeology [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Gal, Zvi [EDIT] 2002 Israel Antiquities Authority $37.50 More Details
  Debating Khirbet Qeiyafa: a fortified city in Judah from the time of King David
Garfinkel, Yosef / kreimerman, Igor / zilberg, piter 2016 The Hebrew University of jerusalem $120.00 More Details
  Hadashot arkheologiyot: excavations and surveys in israel.
Sussman, Sussman [edit] 2000 israel antiqities authority $20.31 More Details
  Eilat: Studies in the Archaeology, History and Geography of Eilat and the Aravah [IN HEBREW]
1995 The Israel Exploration Society $29.69 More Details
  Kedem: Studies in Jewish Archeology: Issues by The Museum of Jewish Antiquities - II [This Volume Only] [In HEBREW]
Sukenik, E. L. [edit] 1945 Rubin Mass $35.00 More Details
  Kedem: Studies in Jewish Archeology: Issues by The Museum of Jewish Antiquities - I [This Volume Only] [In HEBREW]
Sukenik, E. L. [edit] 1942 Rubin Mass $35.00 More Details
  About Hebrew Manuscripts
Adler, Elkan Nathan 1905 Henry Frowde $45.00 More Details
  Der Feudalismus im alten Iran
Widengren, Geo 1969 Westdeutscher Verlag $45.00 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 780) 

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