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World War II

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 353) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Primo Levi: Memoria E Invenzione; A Cura di Giovanna Loli
Loli, Giovanna[Edit] 1995 Biennale Piemonte e Letteratura $45.00 More Details
  Endless Memories
Daniels, Fred 1994 Gefen $95.00 More Details
  Death Dealer: The Memories of the SS Kommandant at Auschwitz
Hoss, Rudolph / Paskuly, Steven[Editor] 1992 Prometheus Books $30.00 More Details
  Bounden Duty: The Memories of a German Officer 1932-45
Stahlberg, Alexander / Crampton, Patricia[translation] 1990 Brassey`s $35.00 More Details
  The Miami Organ
Tatsuro, Izumiya / Chain, U Tun Anug [TRANSLATION] 1967 Art and Science University $30.00 More Details
  Chinese Exile: My Years in Shanghai and Nanking
Eisfelder, Horst `Peter` 2004 Ayotaynu Foundation $45.00 More Details
  Ebrei Sotto Salo: La Persecuzione Antisemita 1943-1945
Mayda, Giuseppe 1978 Editore Milano $20.00 More Details
  Die Juden in den Geheimen NS-Stimmungsberichten 1933-1945
Kulka, Otto Dov ; Jackel, Eberhard 2004 Droste Verlag $120.00 More Details
  When Disaster Comes From Afar: Leading Personalities in the Land of Israel Confront Nazism and the Holocaust, 1933-1948 [IN HEBREW]
Porat, Dina ; Halamish, Aviva [Ed.] 2009 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi $20.31 More Details
  Deutsches Judentum unter dem Nationalsozialismus: Band 1: Dokumente zur Geschichte der Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden 1933-1939 [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [SIGNED]
Kulka, Otto Dov 1997 Mohr Siebeck $75.00 More Details
  Mein Kampf
Hitler, Adolf / Manheim, Ralph [TRANSLATION] 1999 Houghton Mifflin Company $45.00 More Details
  When Disaster Comes From Afar: Leading Personalities in the Land of Israel Confront Nazism and the Holocaust, 1933-1948 [IN HEBREW]
Porat, Dina [EDITOR] ; Halamish, Aviva [ASSOCIATE EDITOR] 2009 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi $23.44 More Details
  Life Line To A Promised Land
Hischmann, Ira A. 1946 The Vanguard Press $25.00 More Details
  Blind Jump: The Story of Shaike Dan [SIGNED]
Ettinger, Amos / Peres, Shimon [FOREWORD] 1992 A Herzl Press Book / Cornwall Books $55.00 More Details
  An Unknown Episode: The History of an Encounter of Thousands of Polish Jewish Soldiers with the Jews of Iraq and Iran in 1942-1943 [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH FORWARD]
Sehayik, Shaul 2003 $20.31 More Details
  In Faier Un Flamen (En Fragor De Llamas)
Kahan, R. Shoshano 1949 Union Central Israelita Polaca en la Argentina $45.00 More Details
  The Refugee In The Post - War World
Vernant, Jacques 1953 Yale University Press $25.00 More Details
Hitler`s Mein Kampf [16 VOLS. OF 18 ONLY] [VOLS. 13 AND 17 MISSING]
Hitler, Adolf / Murphy, James [Trans.] 1939 Hutchinson & Co., Hurst & Blackett $480.00 More Details
  Japan`s Decision to Surrender
Butow, Robert J. C. / Reischauer, Edwin O. [Forward] 1954 Stanford University Press $35.00 More Details
  As Much As We Could do: The Contribution of the Hebrew University and Eretz-Yisrael Doctors to the Second World War [IN HEBREW] [SIGNED]
Ashbel, Rivka 1986 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $17.19 More Details

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