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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 141) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  TZEDEK VE-SHALOM: A Synagogue From Suriname in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Cohen-Uzzielli, Tania 2010 The Israel Museum $37.50 More Details
  Os Tesouros Da Cidade Proibida: Simbolos da Autoridade Imperial / Treasures From The Forbidden City: Symbols of Imperial Authority [IN PORTUGUESE AND ENGLISH]
Barreto, Cristina ; Yamada, Elisio [Organization] 2003 BrasilConnects $85.00 More Details
  Gisele Croes: From Ancient Kingdoms To Imperial China
Tardy, Marielle [text] \ Marsh, Jenny [Tr.] \ Asselberghs, Roger [Photo.] 1998 Gisele Croes $65.00 More Details
  [German] Denkmäler der jüdischen antike
Reifenberg, Adolf 1937 Im schoken Verlag $25.00 More Details
  Aegean Art: The Origins of Greek Art
Demargne, Pierre / Gilbert, Stuart ; Emmons, James [Trans.] 1964 Thames and Hudson $45.00 More Details
  Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions: Volume I - Hebrew and Moabite Inscriptions.
C. L. Gibson, John 1971 The Clarendon Press $30.00 More Details
  Excavations At Tiberias, 1973-1974: The Early Islamic Periods.
Stacey, David / Gal, Zvi [Ed.] 2004 Israel Antiquities Authority $45.00 More Details
  Jewish Art on Lamps: In the Time of the Mishna [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Sussman, Varda 1970 The Israel Museum $29.69 More Details
  Africa in Antiquity: The Arts of Ancient Nubia and the Sudan I+II [SET IN TWO VOLUMES].
Hochfield, Sylvia [Ed.] ; Riefstahl, Elizabeth [Ed.] / Peters, Diana S. [Trans.] ; Stern, Charles M. [Trans.] 1978 The Brooklyn Museum $60.00 More Details
  The Jewish Sephardic House in the Old City of Jerusalem [IN HEBREW]
Yehoshua, Jacob 1976 Rubin Mass $23.44 More Details
Chinese Snuffbottles from the Collection of Joseph Baruch Silver
Silver, Joseph Baruch ; Israel Museum 1987 The Israel Museum $20.31 More Details
  Eretz-Israel: Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies - Volume Twenty Five - Joseph Aviram Volume [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH SUMMARIES]
Biran, Avraham ; Ben-Tor, Amnon ; Foerster, Gideon ; Malamat, Abraham ; Ussishkin, David [Ed.] 1996 Israel Exploration Society / The Institute of Archaeology - The Hebrew University $23.44 More Details
  Constructions of the Classical Body.
Porter, James I. [Ed.] 2002 [1999] The University of Michigan Press $65.00 More Details
  Eretz-Israel: Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies - Volume Thirty - Amnon Ben-Tor Volume [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Aviram, Joseph ; Gitin, Seymoue ; Mazar, Amihai ; Na`aman, Nadav ; Stern, Ephraim ; Zukerman, Sharon [Ed.] 2011 The Israel Exploration Society / The Institute of Archeology, Hebrew University $20.31 More Details
  Scrolls from Qumran Cave I: The Great Isaiah Scroll; The Order of the Community; The Pesher to Habakkuk [FACSIMILE] [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION].
Trever, John C. [Photo.] 1974 The Albright Institute of Archaeological Research / The Shrine of the Book $22.00 More Details
  Eretz-Israel: Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies - Volume Tewnty-Eight: Teddy Kollek Volume [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION].
Aviram, Joseph ; Bahat, Dan ; Barkay, Gabriel ; Ben-Arieh, Yehoshua ; Broshi, Magen [Eds.] 2007 The Israel Exploration Society $17.19 More Details
  Catalogue Des Livres Manuscrits Et Imprimes, Anciens Et Modernes
Rouard, M. E. 1879 Damascene Morgand et Charles Fatout $56.25 More Details
  Indian Legend: Diamond Jewelry from Jaipur, India - Kasilwal Collection
Kassif, Yehuda [Curator] 2005 Harry Oppenheimer Diamond Museum $23.44 More Details
  Treasures Revealed: From the Collections of The Jewish National and University Library - In Honor of the 75 Anniversary of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1925-2000
Weiser, Rafael / Plesser, Rivka [Ed.] 2000 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem / The Jewish National and University Library $15.00 More Details
  Kostbarkeiten aus dem Heiligen Land: Die Souvenirs für Pilger im 19 und 20 Jahrhundert / Objets précieux de Terre Sainte: Les souvenirs pour les pelerins due XIXe et XXe siecle
Fishof, Iris ; Bar`am-Ben Yossef, Noam 1996 The Israel Museum $25.00 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 141) 

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