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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 704) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
    L`amour de Dieu Dans La Theologie Juive du Moyen Age
Vajda, Georges 1957 Libraire Philosophique J. Vrin $65.00 More Details
  Das Bocklein in der Milch Seiner Mutter und Verwandtes: Im Lichte eines altoreintalischen Bildmotives
Keel, Othmar 1980 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht $30.00 More Details
  Das Breslauer Seminar; Judisch-Theologisches Seminar (Fraenckelscher Stiftung) in Breslau 1854-1938 [Gedachtnisschrift) / The Breslau Seminary: The Jewish Theological Seminary (Fraenckel Foundation) of Breslau 1854-1938 [Memorial Volume]
Kisch, Guido 1963 J.C.B. Mohr(Paul Siebeck) $75.00 More Details
Les Juifs Et Israel vus par Les Theologiens Arabes: Extraits des Procès-Verbaux de la 4e Conférence de l`Académie de Recherches Islamiques
Poliakov, Léon [Preface] \ Green, D. F. [Ed.] \ Pala, Jean Christophe [Tr.] 1972 Editions de l`Avenir $25.00 More Details
  Trialogue Between Jew, Christian And Muslim
Maybaum, Ignaz 1973 Routledge & Kegan Paul $48.00 More Details
  Festschrift Zum 75 Jährigen Bestehen des Jüdisch-Theologischen Seminars Fraenckelscher Sriftung [IN GERMAN AND HEBREW] [TWO VOLUMES BOUND IN ONE]
1929 Verlag M. & H. Marcus $140.00 More Details
  Subordinated King: Kingship in Classical Jewish Literature [IN HEBREW]
Lorberbaum, Yair 2008 Bar-Ilan University Press $20.31 More Details
  Flavius Mithridates Sermo De Passione Domini
Wirszubski, Chaim [Edit] 1963 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities / Magnes $45.00 More Details
  Ich und Du
Buber, Martin 1923 Insel-Verlag zu Leipzig $95.00 More Details
  Principles Of Faith: (Rosh Amanah).
Abravanel, Issac \ Kellner, Menachem Marc [Trans, Introduction and Notes] 1982 Fairleigh Dickinson University Press \ Associated University Press $30.00 More Details
  The Jewish Christian Debate in the High Middle ages: A Critical Edition of Nizzahon Vetus [INCLUDES THE NIZZAHON VETUS IN HEBREW]
Berger, David [Introduction, Ed, Trans.] 1979 Jason Aronson Inc. $30.00 More Details
  Thw Commandments: Sefer Ha-Mitzvoth of Maimonides [TWO VOLUME SET].
Maimonides / Chavel, Charles B. [Trans. / Ed.] 1996 The Soncino Press $100.00 More Details
  Schuld und Schuldgefuhle
Buber, Martin 1958 Lambert Schneider $25.00 More Details
  Revelation Restored: Divine Writ and Critical Responses
Weiss Halivni, David 1997 Westview Press $22.00 More Details
  Hellenistische Wortzahlenmystik im Neuen Testament
Friesenhahn, Peter 1935 B. G. Teubner $75.00 More Details
  A Philosophy of Jewish Laws and Observances [this volume onely]
Hirsch, Samson Raphael / Grunfeld, Dayan [Trans., Intro. and Annotations] 1962 The Soncico Press $30.00 More Details
  [signed] Creation EX NIHILO: Thoughts on Science, Divine Providence, Free Will, and Faith in the Perspective of My Own Experience
Fain, Benjamin / Jessica Setbon ; Shira Leibowitz Schmidt [Translation] 2007 Gefen $20.00 More Details
  [German] Moses Ben Mainmon: Sein Leben, Seine Werke und Seun Einfluss [2 VOLUME SET]
J. Kauffmann $65.00 More Details
  Der Wahre Talmudjude: Die Wichtigsten Grundsätze des Talmudischen Schrifttums Uber Das Sittliche Leben Des Menschen - Ubersetzt Und In 70. Kapiteln Systematisch Geordnet [IN GOOD CONDITION]
Katz, Albert [Trans, Ed] 1928 M. Poppelauer $35.00 More Details
  The Doctrine of Evil and the Kelippah in Lurianic Kabbalism. [IN HEBREW]
Tishby, Isaiah / Scholem, G. [Ed.] $20.31 More Details

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