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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 283) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  The Explusion of The Jews From Spain [IN HEBREW]
Beinart, Haim 1994 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $100.00 More Details
  The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy
Frank, H. D. \ Leaman, Oliver 2003 Cambridge University Press $35.00 More Details
  Manuscripts Medievaux En Caracteres Hebraiques: Portant des Indications de Date Jusqu`a 1540; Planches; Bibliotheques de France et Disrael(Manuscrits de PetitFormat de 1471 a 1540)[Tome iii][Planches des notices 1 a 99]
Sirat, Colette / Beit-Arie, Malachi / Glatzer, Mordechai 1986 Centre National de la recherche Scientifique / Academie National Des Sciences et Des Lettres D`israel $120.00 More Details
  Les Theories Des Visions Sunaturelles Dans la pensee Juive du Moyen-Age
Sirat, Colette 1969 E.J.BRILL $45.00 More Details
  Manusctits Mediev Aux en Caracteres Hebraiques: Portant des Indication de Date Jusqu`a 1540: Tome III: Notices: Bibliothques de France et D`Israel: Manuscrit de Petit Format de 1471 a 1540 et Supplement au Tome I: Manuscrits de Grand Format [VOL.3 ONLY] [IN HEBREW AND FRENCH]
Beir-Arie, Malachi ; Sirat, Colette 1986 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Academie Nationale des Sciences et des Lettres d`Israel $220.00 More Details
  Manusctits Mediev Aux en Caracteres Hebraiques: Portant des Indication de Date Jusqu`a 1540: Tome II: Notices: Bibliothques de France et D`Israel: Manuscrits de Petit Format Jusqu`a 1470 [VOL. 2 ONLY] [IN HEBREW AND FRENCH]
Beir-Arie, Malachi ; Sirat, Colette 1979 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Academie Nationale des Sciences et des Lettres d`Israel $240.00 More Details
  Luis De Carvajal: The Origins of Nuevo Reino De Leon
Temkin, Samuel 2011 Sanstone Press $25.00 More Details
  Judisches Leben im Mittelalter: Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte der Deutschen Juden
Dr. Munz, J. 1930 M. W. Kaufmann $30.00 More Details
  The Jews and The Expansion of Europe to The West, 1450 to 1800
Bernardini, Paolo / Fiering, Norman 2001 Bergbabn $30.00 More Details
  Eretz Israel in Medieval Arabic Sources(634-1517); Selected Translations
Tal, Uri 2014 Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi / Ashkelon Academic College $43.75 More Details
  The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: European Colonialism in The Middle Ages [SIGNED]
Prawer, Joshua 1972 Weidenfeld and Nicolson $48.00 More Details
  Studies in Medieval Hebrew Literature: Historical Literary Scrolls, The Scroll of Obadia The Proselyte, The Forms of Spanish hebrew Poetry[signed]
Malachi, Ziv 1971 Nofech $29.69 More Details
  Maimonidean Studies [VOL.1 ONLY]
Hyman, Arthur [EDIT] 1990 Yeshiva University Press $65.00 More Details
  The Social and Political Ideas of Maimonides
Shwarz, Zvi 1988 Rubin Mass $65.00 More Details
  Manuscrits Medievaux en Caracteres Hebraiques: Portant des Indications de Date Jusqu`a 1540 [VOL. 3: Notices: Bibliotheque de France et D`Israel: Manuscrits de Petit Format de 1471 a 1540 et supplement au tome I: Manuscrits de France Format
Sirat, Colette ; Beit-Arie, Malachi ; Glatzer, Mordechai 1986 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Academie National Des Sciences et Des Lettres D`Israel $240.00 More Details
  Le Kuzari: Apologie de la Religion Méprisée
Hallévi, Juda /Touati, Charles [TRANSLATION, ANNOTATION] 1994 Verdier $25.00 More Details
  Le Guide de Égarés: Suivi du Le Traité des Huit Chapitres
Maïmonide, Moïse / Munk, Salomon ; Wolf, Jules [TRANSLATION] 1979 Verdier $30.00 More Details
  Thomas d`Aquin et Maimonide: Un Dialogue Exemplaire
Wohlman, Avital 1988 Les Editions du Cerf $22.00 More Details
  Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: The Classical Texts and Their Interpretation [THREE VOLUMES SET. VOL. 1: From Coenant to Community. Vol. 2: The Word and the Law and the People of God. Vol. 3: The Works of the Spirit.]
Peters, F. E. 1990 Princeton University Press $48.00 More Details
  Les Devoirs du Coeur
Ibn Paquda, Bahya / Chouraqui, Andre [TRANSLATION] 2002 Desclee De Brouwer $30.00 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 283) 

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