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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 95) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Quantum Ontology: A guide to the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics
Lewis, Peter J. 2016 Oxford University Press $25.00 More Details
  Einstein [IN FRENCH]
De Broglie, Louis ; Armand, Louis ; Cuny, Hilaire ; Kahan, Theo ; Le Lionnais, Francois ; Madaule, Jacques ; Nataf, Roger 1966 Librairie Hachette / Societe d`Etudes et de Publications Economoques $20.00 More Details
  Physique generale
Rossel, Jean ; Jeannet, Eric 1970 Griffon $20.00 More Details
Crystal Defects and Crystalline Interfaces.
Bollmann, Walter 1970 Springer-Verlag $90.00 More Details
  Quantum Mechanics.
Schiff, Leonard I. 1949 McGraw-Hill Book Company $20.00 More Details
  Paul Dirac: The Man and his Work
Pais, Abraham ; Jacob, Maurice ; Olive, David I. ; Atiyah, Michael F. / Goddard, Peter [Ed.] 1999 Cambridge University $18.00 More Details
  The Creation: In Science Myth and Religion [IN HEBREW].
Mazor, Lea [Ed.] 1991 [1990] The Magnes Press, the Hebrew University $10.94 More Details
  The Planetary Boundary-Layer of the Atmosphere (PBL) [SIGNED WITH DEDICATION BY AUTHOR].
Wippermann, F. [Friedrich] 1973 Deutscher Wetterdienst $30.00 More Details
  Physics and Modelling of Wind Erosion.
Shao, Yaping 2000 Kluwer Academic $45.00 More Details
  Dictionary of Physics - Part 1: Mechanics: Hebrew-English-French-German.
1973 The Academy of the Hebrew Language / Technion - Israel Institute of Technology $14.06 More Details
  Introduction to Modern Physics [IN HEBREW].
Pfeffer, Jeremy ; Nir, Shlomo 1993 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $17.19 More Details
Encyclopédie des Sciences de la Nature / Encyclopedia of Natural Sciences [al-Mawsu`a fi `ulum al-tabi`a: tabhatu fi al-zira`a wa-al-nabat wa-al-hayawan wa-al-tayr wa-al-samak wa-al-hasarat wa-al-futur] [IN ARABIC with index/lexicon vol. IN LATIN & GREEK, FRENCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN] [FOUR VOLUME SET].
Ghaleb, Edouard [Eduard; Idwar; Galib; ] [1988-1989] Dar el-Machreq sarl $390.00 More Details
  Die Relativitätstheorie Einsteins im Lichte der Philosophie - Ein neuer Beweis der Lorentz-Transformationen.
Gawronsky, D. [Dimitry] 1924 Paul Haupt (vormals Max Drechsel) $20.00 More Details
  Drei Aufsätze über Spektren und Atombau.
Bohr, N. [Niels] 1922 Frieder. Vieweg $20.00 More Details
  Elements de Physique: A l`usage de tous les etablissements d`instruction publique.
Fabre, J. Henri 1881 Ch. Delagrave, Libraire-Editeur $45.00 More Details
  Compendio di Meccanica Razionale - Seconda Edizione Riveduta [TWO VOLUME SET].
Levi-Civita, Tullio; Amaldi, Ugo 1948 Nicola Zanichelli $65.00 More Details
  Sources of Physics Teaching: A Contemporary Physics Reprint [FIVE VOLUME SET].
Mott, Nevill [Intr.] 1968 / 1969 / 1970 Taylor & Francis $65.00 More Details
Internal Structure of Black Holes and Spacetime Singularities - An International Research Workshop, Haifa, June 29 - July 3, 1997.
Burko, L. M. [Lior] & Ori, A. [Amos] [Eds.] 1997 Institute of Physics Publishing & The Israel Physical Society $125.00 More Details
Mechanochemistry of Solid Surfaces [SIGNED BY AUTHOR WITH DEDICATION]
Gutman, E. M. [Emmanuel Mark] 1994 World Scientific $75.00 More Details
  Dictionary of Physics: Part 3 - Optics: Hebrew-English-French-German.
1977 [5738] The Academy of the Hebrew Language / Technion - Israel Institute of Technology $14.06 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 95) 

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