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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 95) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  MHD-Flows and Turbulence: Proceedings of the Bar-Sheva International Seminar - Beersheba, March 17-20, 1975
Branover, H [Ed.] 1976 John Wiley & Sons / Israel Universities Press $20.00 More Details
  Mainly Electromagnetism and Matter.
Feynman, Richard P. ; Leighton, Robert B. ; Sands, Matthew 1981 Addison-Wesley $30.00 More Details
  Principles of Mechanics
Synge, John L. ; Griffith, Byron A. 1959 McGraw-Hill Book Company $38.00 More Details
  Électrons et Photons - Rapports et Discussions du Cinquieme Conseil de Physique tenu a Bruxelles du 24 au 29 Octobre 1927 sous les Auspices de L`Institut International de Physique de Solvay.
Lorentz, H.-A.; Bragg, W.-L.; Compton, Arthur H.; de Broglie, Louis; Born, Max & Heisenberg, Werner; Schrödinger, Erwin; Bohr, Niels 1928 Gauithier-Villars et Cie. $2,750.00 More Details
  Second International Symposium on Stratified Flows - The Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim 24-27 June, 1980 [TWO VOLUME SET]
Carstens, Torkild; McClimans, Thomas [Eds.] 1980 Tapir $60.00 More Details
  MHD-Flows and Turbulence II [2]: Proceedings of the Second Bat-Sheva International Seminar, Beersheva, March 28-31, 1978.
Yakhot, A. ; Branover, H. [Eds.] 1980 Israel Universities Press $25.00 More Details
  Buoyancy Effects in Fluids.
Turner, J. S. [John Stewart] 1979 Cambridge University Press $20.00 More Details
  Comptes Rendus du Congres International de Physique Nucleaire [TWO VOLUME SET].
Gugenberger, Madame P. 1964 Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique $45.00 More Details
  Dynamics of Fractal Surfaces
Fereydoon Family ; Vicsek, Tamas [Eds.] 1991 World Scientific $35.00 More Details
  Die Methode der Physik.
Dingler, Hugo [1938] Verlag von Ernst Reinhardt $35.00 More Details
  Molecular Physics and Elements of Quantum Chemistry: Introduction to Experiments and Theory
Haken, Hermann ; Wolf, Hans Christoph / Brewer, William D. [Tran.] 1995 Springer $30.00 More Details
  Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics.
Ginzburg, V. L. / Ter Haar, D. [Tr.] 1979 Pergamon $30.00 More Details
Reuse, Francoise A. 2012 Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes $70.00 More Details
  A Classification of Nuclear Interactions According to Group Theory - Thesis Presented for the Ph. D. Degree [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH SUMMARY]
Rakvy, Gideon [published by author] $17.19 More Details
  Handbook of Nuclear Properties.
Poenaru, Dorin N. ; Greiner, Walter [Eds.] 1996 Clarendon Press $75.00 More Details
  Linienspektren und periodisches System der Elemente.
Hund, Friedrich 1927 Verlag von Julius Springer $30.00 More Details
  Introduction to Quantum Statistical Mechanics.
Bogolubov, N. N. ; Bogolyubov, N. N. Jr. \ Gupta, V. P. [Tr.] \ J-H Lee, C. [Ed.] 1982 World Scientific $20.00 More Details
  The Collected Works of J. Willard Gibbs [VOLUME TWO ONLY].
Gibbs, J. Willard 1928 Longmans, Green and Co. $30.00 More Details
  Mathematical Implications of Einstein-Weyl Causality.
Borchers, Hans-Jurgen; Sen, Rathindra Nath 2006 Springer $30.00 More Details
  Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Lectures Given at M.I.T. in 1953/4 by Victor Weisskopf
Weisskopf, Victor F. [Frederick] / Bincer, A. [Notes] 1962 Cern $25.00 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 95) 

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