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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 62) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Biografia di Fra Paolo Sarpi: Teologo e Consultore di Stato della Republica Veneta [TWO VOLUME SET].
Bianchi-Giovini, Aurelio 1849 Poligrafia Italiana $55.00 More Details
Translating the Enlightenment: Scottish Civic Discourse in Eighteenth-Century Germany [18th-century] [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Oz-Salzberger, Fania 1995 Clarendon Press $60.00 More Details
Voltaire [Arouet, François-Marie] / Berl, Emmanuel [Intr.] / Van Den Heuvel, Jacques [Text & Notes] 1961 Librairie Gallimard $25.00 More Details
  Letters, on the Spirit of Patriotism: On the Idea of a Patriot King: and On the State of Parties, at the Accession of King George the First [1st].
[Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke / Saint-John] 1750 Printed for A. Millar, opposite to Catharine-street, in the Strand $40.00 More Details
  Titan - Vierter Band (26. bis 35. Jobelperiode, 101. bis 146. Zykel) [FIRST EDITION]
Jean Paul [Friedrich Richter] 1803 Commerzien-Raths Matzdorff $45.00 More Details
  Cours de Philosophie ou Logique Complete de Condillac, Suivie de Celle de du Marsais
De Condillac, Etienne Bonnot ; Du Marsais [Dumarsais], Cesar Chesneau / Noel, R. [Ed.] 1822 Guillaume et Compagnie $90.00 More Details
  Petit Supplément à l`Encyclopédie de Diderot & d`Alembert.
Carelman, Jacques 1971 Balland $20.00 More Details
  Gamliel (Une Orgie au temps de Jesus).
Ibels, Andre 1901 Offenstadt Freres $25.00 More Details
  Zur Jahrhundertfeier des Juden-edikts vom 11 März 1812.
Rieger, Paul 1912 Central-Vereins deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens $20.00 More Details
  Le Comité de Surveillance de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Saint-Esprit-Les-Bayonne.
Ginsburger, Ernest / Cuzacq, René [Intr.] 1934 Librairie Lipschutz $55.00 More Details
  Principes d`Économie Politique, considérés sous le rapport de leur application pratique.
Malthus, Thomas Robert / Say, J.-b. [Ed.] / Monjean, Maurice [Intr.] 1846 Guillaumin et Cie. $75.00 More Details
The Philosophy of Rhetoric
Campbell, George 1841 Thomas Tegg $30.00 More Details
Haszpaat Safrutejnu Haatika Al Pitgamei Haam: Part One [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [IN HEBREW]
Sameta, CH. SZ. [1935] Pospeich $43.75 More Details
The Age of Haskalah : Studies in Hebrew Literature of the Enlightenment in Germany
Pelli, Moshe 1979 E. J. Brill $35.00 More Details
Abhandlung von den Ehegesetzen Mosis welche die Heyrathen in die nahe Freundschaft untersagen.
Michaelis, Johann David 1768 Abram Vandenhoecks $120.00 More Details
Oeuvres de Jean-Baptiste Rousseau [FOUR VOLUME SET].
Rousseau, Jean Baptiste 1795 Remont Libraire / Poignée Imprimeur $180.00 More Details
L`Italie des Doctrinaires (1817-1830): Une Image en Elaboration.
Misan, Jacques 1978 Leo S. Olschki Editore $30.00 More Details
Moses Mendelssohn
Herzberg, J. 1929 Kaufmann $19.00 More Details
  Paul et Virginie: suivi de la chaumière indienne.
de Saint-Pierre, Bernardin [de St. Pierre, Jacques-Henri] 1878 Garnier Frères $15.00 More Details
  Gedanken von den bischöflichen Rechten der Landesobrigkeit.
Schubert, Johan Ernst [Johann] 1763 In Verlag Carl Hermann Hemmerde $140.00 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 62) 

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