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Jewish Folklore

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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 251) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Anthology of Yiddish Folksongs: Volume One [THIS VOLUME ONLY][IN HEBREW, YIDDISH AND ENGLISH]
Vinkovetzky, Aharon; Kovner, Abba; Leichter, Sinai 1983 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $45.00 More Details
  Anthology of Yiddish Folksongs: Volume Two [THIS VOLUME ONLY][IN HEBREW, YIDDISH AND ENGLISH]
Vinkovetzky, Aharon; Kovner, Abba; Leichter, Sinai 1984 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $45.00 More Details
  Anthology of Yiddish Folksongs: Volume Three [THIS VOLUME ONLY][IN HEBREW, YIDDISH AND ENGLISH]
Vinkovetzky, Aharon; Kovner, Abba; Leichter, Sinai 1985 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $45.00 More Details
  Chassidismus II: Theoretische Schriften.
Buber, Martin / Talabardon, Susanne [Ed.] 2016 Gutersloher $150.00 More Details
  Chassidismus III: Die Erzahlungen der Chassidim - Kommentar.
Buber, Martin / Hacohen, Ran [Ed.] 2015 Gutersloher $150.00 More Details
  Chassidismus III: Die Erzahlungen der Chassidim - Text.
Buber, Martin / Hacohen, Ran [Ed.] 2015 Gutersloher $150.00 More Details
  Kuentos: Del Folklor De La Famiya Djudeo - Espanyola [IN HEBREW AND LADINO]
Koen - Sarano, Matilda [Notes, Ed, Trans] 1986 Kana $37.50 More Details
  Les Recits Hassidiques
Buber, Martin / Guerne, Armel [Tr.] / Guillemin, Ellen Nadel [Intro.] 1963 Editions du Rocher $25.00 More Details
  Mama used to say: Pearls of Wisdom from the World of Yiddish
Sankevitz Rosmarin, Rachel / Iskowitz, Yaakov Yosef [TRANS.] 2000 Feldheim $22.00 More Details
  Five Stories from Five Faiths
Rosten, Leo 1960 McCall Corp. $25.00 More Details
  "Bemahzor Hayamim" (Religious and Secular Customs in Jewish Ceremonial Art and Folklore) [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION]
Golnitzki, Heshil 1963 The Jewish Folklore-Lovers` Circle $14.06 More Details
  Shiron: A Loose-Leaf Song Book for Jewish Youth
ND The Youth & Education Department of the Jewish National Fund $18.00 More Details
  Ma`aseh Book: Book of Jewish Tales and Legends Translated from the Judeo-German [TWO VOLUME SET]
Gaster, Moses 1934 The Jewish Publication Society of America $25.00 More Details
  L`kutei Bosar L`kutei: A commentary On the Five Scrolls - Song Of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations Ecclesiastes, Esther [IN HEBREW]
Alter, Samuel 1960 Feldheim $20.00 More Details
  "Bemahzor Hayamim": Religious and Secular Customs In Jewish Ceremonial Art and Folklore [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION]
Golnitzki, Heshil 1963 Jewish Folklore-lovers` Circle $17.19 More Details
  Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore: XXIV-XXV [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH ABSTRACTS].
Alexander, Tamar; Hasan-Rokem, Galit; Salamon, Hagar; Sabar, Shalom [Ed.] 2008 The Magness Press, The Hebrew University $29.69 More Details
  Stories of Faith and Morals: 36 Selected and Annotated Folktales [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH PREFACE].
Stahl, Abraham 1978 [1976] Haifa Municipality - Ethnological Museum and Folklore Archives $12.50 More Details
  The Emir and the Widow: Twelve Folktales from Bukhara - Related by Benjamin Hiatt Amoniff [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH PREFACE] [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Aminoff, Irit / Schnitzler, Otto [Ed.] 1974 Haifa Municipality - Ethnological Museum and Folklore Archives $14.06 More Details
  A Golden Treasury of Jewish Tales
Barash, Asher / Roston, Murray [Trans.] 1965 Massadah $15.00 More Details
  Adam Le-Adam Gesher: The Proverbs of Georgian Jews in Israel [IN HEBREW WITH ENGLISH ABSTRACT].
Hasan-Rokem, Galit 1993 Ben-Zvi Institute $17.19 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 251) 

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