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Diaspora Jews

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 1047) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Ensayos Historico-culturales judios
Kazdan, ch. s. 1956 Fondo Mendelson de la sociedad pro cultura y ayuda $30.00 More Details
  Studies in Medieval Hebrew Literature: Historical Literary Scrolls, The Scroll of Obadia The Proselyte, The Forms of Spanish hebrew Poetry[signed]
Malachi, Ziv 1971 Nofech $29.69 More Details
  Trujillo: A Jewish Community in Extremadura On The Eve of the Expulsion From Spain
Beinart, Haim 1980 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $85.00 More Details
  Geschiedenis Der Portugeesche Joden Te Amsterdam 1593-1925
Da Silva Rosa, J.S. 1925 Menno Hertzberger $45.00 More Details
  EXODO, Portugezen in Amsterdam 1600~1680
Kistemaker, Renee / Levie, Tirtsah 1987 De Bataafsche Leeuw $30.00 More Details
  De Potugese Synagoge in Amsterdam
Vlaardingerbroek, Pieter [EDIT] 2013 WBooks / Rijksdienst Voor Het Cultureel Erfgoed / Bureau Monumenten & Archeologie $75.00 More Details
  Joden in de Cariben
Cohen, Juile-Marthe [EDIT] 2015 Walburg Pers $45.00 More Details
  Jewish Treasures of the Caribbean: The Legacy of Judaism in the New World
Mirvis, Stanley 2016 Schiffer Publishing $55.00 More Details
  Once Jews: Stories of Caribbean Sephardim
Capriles Goldish, Josette 2009 Markus Wiener Publishers $30.00 More Details
  Poverty and Welfare Among the Portuguese Jews in Early Modern Amsterdam
Levie Bernfeld, Tirtsah 2012 The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization $240.00 More Details
  De Sefardim in Amsterdam Tot 1795: Aspecten van de Ontwikkeling van Een Joosde Minderheid in Een Hollandse Stad
Mansfeld, Renate Gertrud 1989 R. G. Fuks-Mansfeld $20.00 More Details
  The Jews in the Caribbean
Gerber, Jane S. [EDIT] 2014 The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization $35.00 More Details
  Dutch Jewish History: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on the History of the Jews in the Netherlands Jerusalem, November 25-28, 1991 [VOL. 3 ONLY]
Michman, Jozeph [EDIT] 1993 The Hebrew University $45.00 More Details
  Michmanei Yosef: Studies On The History and Literature of the Dutch Jews [IN HEBREW]
Michman (Melkman), Jozeph 1994 The Hebrew University $23.44 More Details
  Geschiedenis Van De Joden In Nederland
Blom, J. C. H. ; Wertheim, D. J. ; Berg, H. ; Wallet, B. T. [EDIT] 2017 Balans $45.00 More Details
  The Early Ashkenazic Prayer: Literary and Hisorical Aspects [IN HEBREW]
Ta-Shma, Israel M. 2004 The Hebrew University Magnes Press $26.56 More Details
  Port Jews: Jewish Communities in Cosmopolitan Maritime Trading Centers, 1550 - 1950
Cesarani, David [Ed.] 2002 Frank Cass $55.00 More Details
  The Forgotten Diaspora: Jewish Communities in West Africa and the Making of the Atlantic World
Mark, Peter ; Horta, Jose Da Silva 2013 Cambridge University Press $35.00 More Details
  A Man Of Three Worlds: Samuel Pallache, a Moroccan Jew in Catholic and Protestant Europe
Garcia-Arenal, Mercedes ; Wieger, Gerard / Beagles, Martin [Tr.] / Nirenberg, David ; Kagan, Richard [Foreword] 2003 The Johns Hopkins University Press $30.00 More Details
  "HaYekim": 50 Years of German Speaking Immigration to Israel [IN HEBREW]
Erel, Shlomo 1989 Rubin Mass $23.44 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 1047) 

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