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Rugs, Carpets & Textile

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Showing books 21 to 36 (of 36) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
Ottoman Embroidery.
Taylor, Roderick / Maitland, Antony [Illustration] 1993 Marston House $25.00 More Details
Splendour of Colour, Shimmer of Silk: Embroidery of the Ottoman Empire - Private Collection from Germany
Helmecke, Gisela / Hasson, Rachel [Curator] 2010 L. A. Mayer / Museum of Islamic Art $37.50 More Details
  Shimmering Gold: The Splendor of Gold Embroidered Textiles [BILINGUAL EDITION HEBREW-ENGLISH]
Behroozi BarOz, Nitza [Curator] 2007 Eretz Israel Museum $23.44 More Details
  Ancient Carpets.
1977 $20.00 More Details
  In Memory of Paul Balog
Meshorer, Ya`akov ; Brosh, Na`ama 1988 The Israel Museum $17.19 More Details
  Interwoven Globe: The Worldwide Textile Trade, 1500-1800
Peck, Amelia [Ed.] 2013 The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Yale University $35.00 More Details
  Hats and Caps of the Jews.
Davis, Eli ; Davis, Elise 1983 Massada $20.00 More Details
  Kostümschnitte und Gewandformen : Eine Übersicht Der Kostümschnitte und Gewandformen Aller Zeiten und Völker vom Altertum Bis Zur Neuzeit
Tilke, Max 1973 Ernst Wasmuth Tübingen $25.00 More Details
  el Gran Libro de las Alfombras de Oriente: Disenos, Motivos y Simbolos Tradicionales.
Ford, P.R.J. 1993 Edunsa $65.00 More Details
  Armenian Rugs
Azatian, Vazgen G. \ Aivazian, H. H. ; Soghikian [Tr.] \ Margarian, A. H. [Intr.] 1986 Hayastan \ Yerevan Industrial Union "Haygorg" $75.00 More Details
  The Art of Judaic Needlework: Traditional and Contemporary Designs
Aber, Ita 1979 Charles Scribner`s Sons $20.00 More Details
  Arte no Palacio dos Bandeirantes
Gouvea, Renato Magalhaes [Ed.] 1979 Governo Do Estado De Sao Paulo $20.00 More Details
  Les Tapisseries: Des Collections Tchecoslovaques.
Blazkova, J. 1958 Del Duca $25.00 More Details
  Le Tapis du Caucase
Gans-Ruedin, E. \ Hilber, Micheline [Photographs] \ Sautebin, Ronald [Illus.] 1986 Office du Livre, Editions Vilo $85.00 More Details
  The Oriental Carpet in London 1983: programme of Events
Thompson, Jon [Foreword] 1983 Hali Publications $25.00 More Details
Threads of thought: Keren Ronnen Rosenberg
Tzaig, Uri \ Knobel, Esti [Ed.] Carmel $20.31 More Details

Showing books 21 to 36 (of 36) 

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