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Jubilee & Memorial Books

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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 302) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Die Beerdigung von P. A. [Pyotr Alexeyevich] Kropotkin in Moskau - 13 Februar 1921 / Funeral of P. A. [Pyotr Alexeyevich] Kropotkin - Moscow - February 13, 1921
1922 Foreign Bureau of Russian Confederation Anarcho-Syndicalists $65.00 More Details
  Pinkas Hakehillot: Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities - Rumania [Romania], Vol. I [THIS VOLUME ONLY][IN HEBREW]
1969 Yad Vashem / Martyrs` and Heroes` Remembrance Authority $37.50 More Details
  Pinkas Hakehillot: Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities - Hungary [IN HEBREW]
1976 Yad Vashem $56.25 More Details
  The Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of the jews in the United States: Addresses Delivered at Carnegie Hall, New York, on Thanksgiving Day MCMV Together with Other Selected Addresses and Proceedings
1906 The New York Co-Operative Society $25.00 More Details
  Studies in Judaica, Karaitica and Islamica
Brunswick, Sheldon R. [edition] 1982 Bar-Ilan University Press $75.00 More Details
  Jiskor: ein Buch des Gedenkens an gefallene Wachter und Arbeiter im Lande Israel
Buber, Martin 1918 Judischer $30.00 More Details
  Hands Bringing Life and Bread: Volume 1 / Gyvybe ir Duona Nesancios Rankos: 1 Sasiuvinis [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Erenburg, Mikhail [Michail] ; Sakaite, Viktorija [Ed.] 1997 Vilnius / The Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum / Valstybinis Vilnianus Gaono Zydu Muziejus $20.00 More Details
  Yizkor Baranow: A Memorial to the Jewish Community of Baranow [IN HEBREW AND YIDDISH WITH ENGLISH SUMMERY]
Blumental, Nachman [Ed.] 1964 Yad Vashem / The Baranow Association $23.44 More Details
  Alexander Marx Jubilee Volume: On the occasion of his Seventieth birthday.
1950 The Jewish Theological Seminary of America $30.00 More Details
  Album de la Guerre Israelo-Arabe 1967 / Album of the Israeli-Arab War 1967
Benjamin, G. [Ed.] ND Ledory $15.00 More Details
  Marbeh Hokmah: Studies in the Bible and the Ancient Near East, in Loving Memory of Victor Avigdor Hurowitz [TWO VOLUME SET][IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW]
Yona, Shamir; Greenstein, Edward L.; Gruber, Mayer I.; Machinist, Peter; Paul, Shalom M. [Ed.] 2015 Eisenbrauns $95.00 More Details
  Holocaust and Rebirht: Bergen-Belsen 1945-1965
Bloch, Sam E. [Ed.] / Robinson, Jacob [Forward] / Rosensaft, Josef [Introduction] 1965 Bergen-Belsen Memorial Press, World Federation of Bergen-Belsen Associations $29.69 More Details
  Commemoration Journal: 35th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 1943-1978
1978 Warsaw Ghetto Resistance Organization $20.00 More Details
  Commemoration Journal: 32nd Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 1943-1975
1975 Warsaw Ghetto Resistance Organization $30.00 More Details
  Pioneros de la Argentina, Los Inmigrantes Judios / Pioneers in Argentina, The Jewish Immigrants [IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH]
Zago, Manrique [Ed.] / Sinnott, Harold [Trans.] 1982 Manrique Zago $30.00 More Details
  Studies in Ashkenazi Culture, Women`s History, and the Language of the Jews Presented to Chava Turniansky [IN HEBREW]
Bartal, Israel; Hasan-Rokem, Galit; Rapoport-Albert, Ada; Rosenzweig, Claudia; Shifriss, Vicky; Timm, Erika [Ed.] 2013 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History / Center for Research on Polish Jewry, The Hebrew University $14.06 More Details
  Haim M.I. Gevaryahu: Memorial Volume - English-French-German Section [IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN AND HEBREW].
Adler, Joshua J. [Ed.] 1990 World Jewish Bible Center $20.00 More Details
  Hebrew and Arabic Studies: In Honour of Joshua Blau, Presented by Friends and Students on the Occassion of His Seventieth Brithday [IN HEBREW] [AS IS]
Ben-Shammai. H. [Ed.] 1993 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem / Tel Aviv University $20.31 More Details
  Those Who Build the Wall [IN HEBRREW]
Biletzky, Eliyahu 1972 National Union of Building Workers $15.00 More Details
  Bezalel Annual 1991
Ranon, Dan [Design] 1991 Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Department of Public Relations & Information $14.06 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 302) 

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