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Jubilee & Memorial Books

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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 302) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Memorial Book in hounour of the late distinguished Rabbi Professor E. J. Duschinsky [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW].
Newman, J. [Jacob] 1989 $14.06 More Details
  The Warsaw Ghetto: The 45th Anniversary of the Uprising
Sakowska, Ruta; Edelman, Marek; Karski, Jan 1987 Interpress $20.00 More Details
  The Jewish Cemetery Tomaszow-Mazowiecki / Zydowski Cmentarz Tomaszow-Mazowiecki
Yaari-Wald, Benjamin 1996 The Israeli Organization of Resident of Tomaszow-Mazowiecki $29.69 More Details
  Clara Haskil
Spycket, Jerome 1984 Nestle $20.00 More Details
  Octoberdeportation 1940: Die Sogenannte "Abschiebung" der Badischen und Saarpfalzischen Juden in das Franzosische Internierungslager gurs und Andere Vorstationen von Auschwitz - 50 Jahre Danach zum Gedenken
Wiehn, Erhard R. 1990 Hartung-Gorre $30.00 More Details
  Dem Massengrab Entkommen: Ein Augenzeuge Berichtet Uber die Schoa in Kaunas und Kaufering 1927-1948
Schwarz, Momme [Trans.] \ Rehn, Marie-Alisabeth; Wiehn, Erhard Roy [Ed.] 2010 Hartung-Gorre $20.00 More Details
  The Gates Are Open: Collection of Memories Cladestine Immigration 1945-1948- Second Edition- Corrected [IN HEBREW]
2001 $23.44 More Details
  Doctor Teodoro Herzl: Cincuentenario de su Desaparicion
Schoval [shoval], Arie [Ed.] 1954 Juventud Judeoargentina $30.00 More Details
  Aharon M. K. Rabinowicz: Jubilee Volume
Aberbach, Moshe [ed] 1996 The Bialik Institute $14.06 More Details
  The Voyage of ZIM: 75 Years of Proud legacy and Fresh Spirit [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Shats, Avner [Ed.] 2020 ZIM Global Marketing $23.44 More Details
Freinmann, A.; Hildesheimer, M. ND $95.00 More Details
  Festschrift zu Ehren des Dr. A. Harkavy - aus anlass seines Siebzigsten Lebensjahres [VOL. III - THIS VOLUME ONLY][FACSIMILE][IN HEBREW, JUDEO-ARABIC, GERMAN, GREEK, FRENCH AND ENGLISH]
Gunzburg, D. V. ; Markon, I [Eds.] ND $30.00 More Details
  Festschrift zu Ehren des Dr. A. Harkavy - aus anlass seines Siebzigsten Lebensjahres [THREE VOLUME SET][FACSIMILE][IN HEBREW, JUDEO-ARABIC, GERMAN, GREEK, FRENCH AND ENGLISH]
Gunzburg, D. V. ; Markon, I [Eds.] ND $140.62 More Details
  Festschrift zu Israel Lewy`s Siebzigstem Geburtstag [FACSIMILE][TWO VOLUME SET][IN HEBREW, GERMAN, AND JUDEO-ARABIC]
Brann, M. ; Elbogen, J. [Eds.] ND $75.00 More Details
  Warszawskie Getto 1943-1988 w 45 Rocznice Powstania
Sakowskiej, Ruty ; Edelmana, Marka ; Karskiego, Jana ; Etc. 1988 Wydawnictow Interpress $20.00 More Details
  Gazith: Art and Literary Journal - Hundredth Jubilee Issue [IN HEBREW]
Talphir, G. [Ed.] 1947 Gazith $23.44 More Details
  Livers et Manuscrits Anciens Rares et Precieux - Catalogue Centenaire de Notre Librairie 1890-1990
1990 Francois et Rodolphe Chamonal $20.00 More Details
  They Were Our Friends: A Memorial for the Members of the Hachsharot and the Hehalutz Underground in Holland murdered in the Holocaust [BILINGUAL EDITION HEBREW-ENGLISH]
Benjamin, Yigael 1990 The Association of former Members of the Hachsharot and the Hehalutz Underground in Holland / Westerweel Group $17.19 More Details
  Theodor Herzl and Austria: A Century Later
Beller, Steven [2004] Austrian Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs $20.00 More Details
  The Maimonides Book of Tarbiz on the Occasion of the Eight-Hundredth Anniversary of his Birth [IN HEBREW]
Brody, H. ; Scholem, G. ; Epstein, J. N. ; Et Al. 1935 The Hebrew University Press Association $29.69 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 302) 

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