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Asian and Far Eastern History & Literature

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Books in this category :
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Showing books 21 to 40 (of 143) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Military History
Wortzel, Larry M. 1999 Greenwood Press $35.00 More Details
  Hand Book on the Haka Chin Customs
Head, W. R. 1955 SUPDT, Union Govt. Printing and Stationary, Burma $30.00 More Details
  The Biblical Hebrew Origin of the Japanese People
Eidelberg, Joseph 2005 Gefen $18.00 More Details
  Japan`s Decision to Surrender
Butow, Robert J. C. / Reischauer, Edwin O. [Forward] 1954 Stanford University Press $35.00 More Details
  The Most Noble and Famous Travels of Marco Polo: Together with the Travels of Nicolo De` Conti
Frampton, John [Trans] / Penzer, N.M [Intro, edit] 1937 A&C Black $30.00 More Details
  Shonendan: Adolescent Peer Group Socialization in Rural Japan.
Johnson, Thomas Wayne / Tsu-k`uang, Lou 1975 The Orient Cultural Service $65.00 More Details
  The Religion of Burma and Other Papers
Metteyya, Bhikkhu Ananda [Bennet, Allan] 1929 Theosophical Publishing House $65.00 More Details
  With The Scattered In The East
Carmel, J. \ Weis, Charles [Trans] 1960 Israeli Publishing Institute $45.00 More Details
  Le francais au Levant, Jadis et Naguere: A la Recherche d`une Langue Perdue.
Aslanov, Cyril 2006 Honore Champion Editeur $48.00 More Details
  Islam in Asia: Volume I - South Asia [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Friedman, Yohanan [Ed.] 1984 The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University $35.00 More Details
  Beautiful Burma
Enriquez, C. M. 1935 Myanmahita Magazine $30.00 More Details
  IKAT: Kaleioscope of Colors: Silk Fabrics from Central Asia: the Rau Collection London
Hasson, Rachel 2004 L. A. Mayer Museum for Islamic Art $45.00 More Details
  Burma: From the Earliest tImes to the Present Day
Scott, J.G Adelphi Terrace $35.00 More Details
  The Comfort Women: Historical, Political, Legal and Moral Prespectives
Naoko, Kumagai / Noble, David [Translate] 2016 International HOuse of Japan $20.00 More Details
  Hymns of Guru Nanak
Singh, Khushwant [Trans.] 1991 Orient Longman $25.00 More Details
  rysunki z wietnamu
Kobzdeja, Aleksandra [Drawings] / Zukrowski, Wojciech [Text] 1955 Wydawnictwo / Sztuka $35.00 More Details
  Chronologie de Paul Claudel au Japon.
Chujo, Shinobu / Negishi, T. ; Ode, A. ; Shinonaga, N. [Assistence] 2012 Honore Champion Editeur $120.00 More Details
  The Genesis of Modern Chinese Literary Criticism (1917-1930) [SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR]
Galik, Marian 1980 Curzon Press / Veda / The Slovak Academy of Sciences $30.00 More Details
Between Integration and Secession
Yegar, Moshe 2002 Lexington $140.00 More Details
  Traveller`s Guide to Burma
Win, Kanbawza 1977 Thann Win / Honorary Secretary / YMCA, Burma $40.00 More Details

Showing books 21 to 40 (of 143) 

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